Archive for 'Learning'
Children’s day in Brazil Posted by carol on Oct 29, 2021
Bom dia, caros leitores! Good morning, dear readers! Last week we talked about a gravidez (pregnancy) in Portuguese as a tribute to Children’s Day, which is celebrated in Brazil on October 12th. And now that we covered the early stages of a newborn, how about we move on to a infância (the childhood)? Whether you…
Being pregnant in Portuguese Posted by carol on Oct 22, 2021
Bom dia, amigos e amigas! Good morning! Last week, on October 12th, Brazilians got a break to observe o Dia de Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Our Lady of Aparecida day), a feriado (public holiday) in the country. She is considered to be the official padroeira (patroness) of Brazil. Most importantly, her day is regarded as Dia…
Celebrate Library Card Month with Poetry Posted by carol on Sep 30, 2021
[Comemore o mês do cartão de biblioteca com poesia] E aí, meus caros? What’s up, dear readers? As you may know, Library Card month is celebrated in Setembro (September) as a campaign to motivate people to se inscrever (sign up) and start borrowing some books. To get everyone in the reading spirit, I thought this…
Financial problems in Portuguese – Part II Posted by carol on Sep 24, 2021
Saudações a todos! Como está o setembro de vocês? Last week we talked a little bit about some problemas financeiros (money problems) that a person might face in life. Now we move on to part two, with a few more terms and examples so that you can discuss your situação financeira in Portuguese with confidence. Let’s hit…
Seu cara de pau! More Brazilian insults Posted by carol on Aug 31, 2021
Ei, pessoal! Hi, everyone! Last week we learned a couple of very useful, untranslatable xingamentos (insults) and negative personality traits that pretty much define our character. And if you thought that was too much, well, I was just getting started! Not that you should love us any less, of course. Sure, we’re kind and good-natured…
Best Brazilian insults Posted by carol on Aug 17, 2021
Fala, galera! What’s up, guys? A lot has been said about Brazilians as warm, friendly cheerful people. And there’s certainly some truth to that. On the other side of the coin, however, there is no denying that we have our defeitos (flaws). Sure, we have our qualidades (virtues) and we love a elogio (compliment). But…
Renting a place in Portuguese – Part II Posted by carol on Jul 30, 2021
Olá, pessoal! Hey, guys! Last week we spoke about a topic that affects the majority of people who spend an extended period of time abroad: alugar um imóvel (renting a place). Since this is an extensive topic, we went over os primeiros passos (the first steps) and now we’re moving on to more specific details…