Portuguese Language Blog

Easter recipes – Bacalhau Posted by on Mar 26, 2018 in Brazilian Profile, Culture, Customs, Learning, Vocabulary

Receitas de páscoa – Bacalhau

Boa noite, meus queridos! Good evening, my dear! The semana santa (Holy Week), one of the main religious feriados (holidays) that observe a ressureição de Cristo (Christ’s resurrection), starts this quinta-feira (Thursday). Festive dates and comida (food) are always related, so celebrating Páscoa (Easter) means gathering with friends and family for a typical refeição (meal). Each country has its own tradições de Páscoa (easter traditions) and what is served on mesas (tables) on this date varies around the world. Some cultures eat lamb, others have ham, there are cross buns in England marzipan or Paschoal cake for sobremesa (dessert). Here in Brazil, besides our delicious tradition of exchanging chocolate ovos de páscoa (easter eggs),  it is impossible not to think of bacalhau (cod fish) when we talk about easter.

This habit of Portuguese inspiration dates back to the middle ages, when Catholics during this period would exclude carne vermelha (red meat) from their diets to honor Jesus. As a substitute, fish consumption was encouraged. Luckily, today, this practice is no longer as rigorous as before but, also luckily, the tradition to eat peixe (fish) remains, specially bacalhau (cod).

Bacalhau at the time prevailed over other kind of fish because it could be preserved for longer and endure long trips across the oceans. As such, bacalhau is not native to our águas (waters) and is usually imported from other places. However, since the coming of the royal family to Brazil, the prato (dish) has become a classic no cardápio (on the menu) in many homes on these special dates.

Whether you are religious or not, it is always a great ideia to try an amazing dish, so how about we go over a receita (recipe) that is very fácil (easy) to execute using this typical ingredient, the bacalhau?

Prato com bacalhau (photo by Zé Carlos Barretta from São Paulo, Brasil (stk_001062) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons)

O que você vai precisar | What you will need:

  • 1 kg de bacalhau | 1 kg of cod fish
  • 500 g de batata | 500 g of potatoes
  • 1 dente de alho | 1 garlic clove
  • 1 copo de azeite | 1 cup of olive oil
  • 2 cebolas picadas em rodelas | 2 onions, chopped into slices
  • Sal, salsinha e pimenta do reino branca à gosto | Salt, parsley and white pepper to taste
  • 150 gramas de azeitona preta | 150 grams of black olive
  • 1 pimentão vermelho picado | 1 chopped red pepper
  • 2 ovos cozidos | 2 boiled eggs

Modo de preparo | How to make

  1. Deixe o bacalhau de molho em água por no mínimo 2 dias para dessalgar | Let the cod soaked in water for at least 2 day for desalting
  2. Leve o peixe ao fogo baixo e cozinhar por 20 minutos  | Bring the fish over low heat and cook for 20 minutes 
  3. Cozinhe as batatas na água do bacalhau | Cook the potatoes in the cod water
  4. Em um refratário untado faça camadas com as batatas em rodelas, o bacalhau, o alho e as cebolas | In a greased roasting pan, add layers of the sliced potatoes, cod fish, garlic and onions
  5. Cubra com mais azeite e asse por 20 minutos ou até dourar | Cover with more olive oil and bake for about 20 minutes or until golden
  6. Decore com os ovos cozidos cortados em rodelas e as azeitonas | Decorate with boiled eggs cut into slices and olives
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  1. carol:

    It is nice to hear that, Tristian!
    Thanks for reading our blog.

    • carol:

      @carol Hey, Tristian.
      Sounds like a great idea. I wonder how we can do that.