Olá! (Hello!)
You open your fridge and there’s nothing but half a tomato and an expired carton of milk. You go to your cabinet and all you can find are those last-resort noodles and some salt. Your kitchen is giving you all the signs: it’s time to go shopping.
Last week we went over our daily routine in Portuguese. Today, we’ll go into that a bit further and talk about an activity that is part of our regular weekly lives: ir ao supermercado (going to the supermarket).
So here’s some useful supermarket-related vocab to help you get around and cover the basics:
Key words:

- 1 – Corredor = Aisle
- 2 – Caixa = Checkout counter
- 3 – Carrinho = Shopping Cart
- 4 – Sacola = Plastic bag
Sacolão/ Produce section:

- 1 – Cebola = Onion
- 2 – Tomate = Tomato
- 3 – Alface = Lettuce
- 4 – Cenoura = Carrot
- 5 – Beterraba = Beet
- 6 – Beringela = Eggplant
- 7 – Batata = Potato
- 8 – Alho = Garlic
- 9 – Couve-flor = Cauli flower
- 10 – Pimentão = Red Pepper
- 11 – Brócolis = Broccoli
- 12 – Abóbora = Pumpkin
- 13 – Repolho = Cabbage
- 14 – Rabanete = Raddish
- 15 – Pepino – Cucumber

- 1- Abacaxi = Pineapple
- 2 – Maçã = Apple
- 3 – Manga = Mango
- 4 – Melancia = Watermelon
- 5 – Laranja = Orange
- 6 – Banana
- 7 – Uva = Grape
- 8 – Limão = Lime
- 9 – Mamão = Papaya
- 10 – Pera = Pear
Laticínios/ Dairy section

- 1 – Leite = Milk
- 2 – Manteiga = Butter
- 3 – Queijo = Cheese
- 4 – Iogurte = Yogurt
- 5 – Ovo = Egg
Farináceos, grãos, etc/ Dry food section

- 1 – Arroz = Rice
- 2 – Feijão = Beans
- 3 – Farinha de trigo = Flour
- 4 – Café = Coffee
- 5 – Macarrão = Pasta
- 6 – Açúcar = Sugar
- 7 – Óleo = Oil
- 8 – Azeite = Olive oil
Carnes/ Meat section

- 1- Carne = Beef
- 2 – Frango = Chicken
- 3 – Peixe = Fish
- 4 – Linguiça = Sausage
- 5 – Presunto = Ham
Bebidas/ Beverages:

- 1 – Água = Water
- 2 – Refrigerante = Soda
- 3 – Suco = Juice
- 4 – Cerveja = Beer
- 5 – Vinho = Wine
Produtos de higiene pessoal/ Toiletries

- 1 – Sabonete = Soap
- 2 – Pasta de dente = Tooth paste
- 3 – Xampu e condicionador = Shampoo and conditioner
- 4 – Fio dental = Floss
- 5 – Desodorante =Deodorant
- 6 – Papel Higiênico = Toilet paper
- 7 – Escova de dente = Tooth brush
Produtos de limpeza/ Cleaning products

- 1 – Detergente = Liquid dish soap
- 2 – Sabão em pó = Laundry detergent
- 3 – Amaciante = Softener
- 4 – Esponja = Cleaning sponge
- 5 – Limpador = Cleaner
Useful questions:
- Onde posso encontrar ovos? = Where can I find eggs?
- Vocês tem iogurte grego? = Do you have Greek yogurt?
- Quanto custa essa garrafa de chá gelado? = How much is this bottle of iced tea?
This is it! Now you store your pantry.
Tenham um bom fim de semana (Have a good weekend!)
Nice list! I would also like to point out that native speakers often use the diminutive form of “sacola” — especially at the grocery checkout line, where you’ll likely be asked: “Quer sacolinha?” (“Would you like a little bag?”)
@Albert Thanks, Albert! That’s a great point.
Then I guess you would also like our posts on the diminutive form:
Have a great day! 😀