Portuguese Language Blog

New Biofuel Discovery in the Amazon Posted by on Jan 15, 2009 in Uncategorized

Brazilian engineer Otoniel Duarte has made an important discovery during a study in the northern state of Roraima: he found that a species of Amazon palm tree, the palmeira inajá, is capable of producing oil that can be used for biofuel.

The inajápalm is a close relative of the dende palm, native to Africa, which can produce up to 5,000 liters of oil per hectar. Though the inajá isn’t as productive–it only produces 3,500 liters per hectar–it can be grown all over the Amazon basin. Not only does the palm tree produce oil, but it is also advantageous for the environment, since it is a source of food for birds and mammals. Also, it grows best in areas with lots of light, so deforested areas are ideal for planting the tree.

As a result, the tree could serve as a solution for farmers who could use the inajá as an alternative crop and could cease deforesting activities. The tree is already planted in plots by cattle ranchers, to provide shade and food for the cattle.

For more information about the discovery, see the Embrapa site here.

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