Oi, gente! (Hey, you guys!) Posted by carol on Aug 25, 2015 in Uncategorized
Olá, Gente (Hey, you guys!)
My name is Carol and I am Transparent Language’s newest member. É um prazer conhecer
vocês (Nice meeting you!).
I will dedicate this post to introducing myself and telling a bit about my English-speaking background. I’m Brazilian, native from Belo Horizonte, located in the beautiful state of Minas Gerais. I’ve recently graduated as an English major from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Currently, I am getting an MA in the same institution, with a focus on Literatures in English.
Por incrível que pareça (Paradoxically enough), back when I was a kid I would reluctantly attend English classes thinking I was better suited for ballet or even karate lessons. My action-driven children’s mindset used to think that having to sitting down to learn something would necessarily mean an afternoon de puro tédio (of sheer boredom). Yet it didn’t take me longer than a couple of weeks to become genuinely interested and keenly appreciative of those classes, and soon became uma aluna empolgada (an eager student).
Though contemplating the thought of becoming a vet, a stewardess, a diplomat, an actress and many other career choices, I somehow always knew my future would be intimately connected to línguas estrangeiras (foreign languages). Despite devoting myself mostly to English, German and French also feature among my list of languages I’d like to be fluent in – someday. Ambitious project, I know, but I believe a lot of studying, traveling and watching TV can help.
My international experiences include an intercâmbio (exchange program) in the US – to which I had never been before. Eu fui sortuda (I was lucky) enough to be selected to go to Wayne State University in Detroit for a semester, where I was able to develop my English skills, learn more about American culture and living, eat lots of burgers and refine my beer pong abilities. It was undoubtedly um momento definitivo (a defining moment) in both my career and life.
In Brazil, I worked as an English teacher for about three years, teaching students that would range from tireless children (much like the action-driven me back in the day), talkative teens and committed adults. Teaching was uma experiência enriquecedora (an enriching experience) and very few sensations match that of acknowledging the progress your students (and yourself!) have made over the year. Logo depois (Shortly afterwards) I got a job as a freelance tradutora (translator) for a California-based company, which meant working from home in my pajamas – not as enriching as being a teacher, but decidedly rewarding.
Como podem ver (As you can see), I know laugh at the idea of having thought to pursue ballet or karate in my childhood years. Espero (I hope) I can use this opportunity to teach those who are interested in learning more about Brazilian culture, language and lifestyle.
Abraços (Hugs)

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Thank you for telling your story!
Are you still living in minas?
@Joe Yes, Joe!
Still enjoying BH 🙂
Bem vinda, Carol!
I’m going back to Brasil in BH next July and I wanna learn portuguese!! Teach me pleeeease!!! 😛 kkk