Tudo bem, gente?
Two weeks ago we saw some tips on how to tell the time in Português. This week we are taking one step ahead and learning some expressions and phrases that have the word hora (hour/time).

Photo by Israel Dixon
- Passou da hora. – translates as “it’s about time”.
Exemplo: Melissa tem dezoito anos, passou da hora de ela aprender a cozinhar. – Melissa is eighteen years old, it’s about time she learned to cook.
- Fazer hora. – translates as “To waste time”.
Exemplo: Desligue este vídeo game e pare de fazer hora, ou nós vamos nos atrasar. – Turn off this video game and stop wasting time or we will be late.
- Na hora H. – the literal translation would be “at the H hour” and it is the moment when something is to be decided.
Exemplo: Marcos queria comprar o apartamento, mas desistiu na hora H. – Marcos wanted to buy the apartment, but he gave up at the last moment.
- Em cima da hora. – the literal translation would be “on time”. However, there is more to it: it means being neither late nor early. Arriving at the exact time.
Exemplo: Eduardo chegou ao trabalho em cima da hora, mais um minuto ele teria se atrasado para a reunião. – Eduardo got to work exactly on time, another minute and we would have been late for the meeting.
- Da hora. – the literal translation would be “of time” and it is used as an adjective for something really cool.
Exemplo: Esse bar é da hora. – this bar is really cool.
- Deixar para última hora. – translates as “to leave to the last moment”.
Exemplo: João deixou o para casa para última hora, agora ele não vai ter tempo de fazer. – João left his homework to the last moment, now he’s not going to have time to do it.
- Hora extra. – translates as “overtime” and it is work related.
Exemplo: Victor está trabalhando muito ultimamente, ele está fazendo muita hora extra para pagar as contas. – Victor has been working a lot lately, he has been working overtime to pay the bills.
- Não ver a hora. – the literal translation would be “not to see the time”, but you use this expression to say you can’t wait for something to happen.
Exemplo: Marcela está grávida de oito meses, ela não vê a hora do bebê nascer. – Marcela is eight months pregnant, she can’t wait until the baby is born.
Tenham uma boa semana, pessoal!
Have a nice week, everyone.