Portuguese Language Blog

Portuguese Blog Quiz Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Learning

Have you been reading Portuguese Blog on a regular basis? Here’s a multiple choice quiz to check your understanding and to test your skills!

1. What is the difference between the verbs “morrer” and “morder”?

a. The first means to eat and the second means to chew

b. The first means to die and the second means to bite

c. The first means to faint and the second means to eat

2. Which pair of words are false cognates?

a. office, oficina

b. port, porto

c. politics, política

3. What does “em breve” mean in the cinematic sense?

a. Starring

b. In theaters

c. Coming soon

4. “Uma menina sueca” is…

a. A silly boy

b. A Swedish girl

c. A pretty lady

5. When is Brazilian Independence Day?

a. October 2nd

b. July 8th

c. September 7th

6. What’s the word for “crossbow” in Portuguese?

a. besta

b. arma

c. sapo

7. What liquor is used to make Brazil’s famous caipirinha?

a. canção

b. maracujá

c. cachaça


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. C

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