Portuguese Language Blog

Talking about financial problems in Portuguese Posted by on Sep 14, 2021 in Brazilian Profile, Business, Economy, Vocabulary

Boa dia a todos! Brazil has a complicated relationship with money. Home to one of the world’s biggest desigualdade econômica (income gap), the country has always been grappling with pobreza (poverty). And in a scenario where a pandemic hit the global economy on a large escale, many people perderam seus empregos (lost their jobs) or could not secure a stable stream of income.

Cuidado para sua conta não ficar no vermelho! (Photo by energepic.com from Pexels)

As unpleasant as it may be, there comes a time in our adult lifes when we must inevitably face money problems. And it can sure be a lot easier if we have the linguistic skills to communicate about it, right? So today’s text will go over some terms to discuss personal finance in Portuguese. Vamos dar uma olhada? Prometo que vai compensar!

pegar emprestado, emprestar | borrow, lend

In Portuguese, we don’t have two different verbs like in English, so we simply say emprestar for lending and pegar emprestado for borrowing.

  • Oh, droga, deixei minha carteira no carro. Posso pegar 20 reais emprestados? | Oh, shoot, I left my wallet in the car. Could I borrow 20 reais?
  • Meu pai me emprestou 10.000 reais para cobrir parte das despesas do meu casamento | My father lent me 10.000 dollars to cover part of my wedding expenses.

empréstimo | loan

  • Meu marido e eu acabamos de solicitar um empréstimo para abrir nosso próprio negócio | My husband and I just applied for a loan to start our own business.
  • Se você quiser comprar um carro hoje em dia, terá que fazer um empréstimo bancário | If you want to buy a car nowadays, you will have to take out a bank loan.

    Estou endividado, vou precisar de uma empréstimo (Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels)

taxas de juros | interest rates

  • Fatores como o estado da economia ou a inflação podem levar ao aumento das taxas de juros | Factors like the state of the economy or inflation may lead to a rise in interest rates.
  • Qual é a taxa de juros média para um empréstimo aqui? | What is the average interest rate for a loan here?

hipoteca | mortgage

  • Fazer uma hipoteca é um grande gasto, mas ainda sim é melhor do que pagar o aluguel | Taking out a mortgage is a big money drainer, but it is still better than paying rent.
  • Se você deixar de pagar sua hipoteca, você corre o risco de perder sua casa | If you fail to pay your mortgage, you run the risk of having your home repossessed.

endividado | in debt

  • Devido à recessão, a empresa agora está profundamente endividada | Due to the recession, the company is now deeply in debt.
  • Fazer faculdade nos Estados Unidos significa ficar em dívida por muitos anos | Getting a college education in the US could mean being in debt for many years to come.

    Acabei ficando no prejuízo (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

no vermelho, no prejuízo | in the red

  • Se continuarmos no prejuízo por mais tempo, acabaremos fechando as portas | If we remain in the red for longer, we’ll eventually go out of business.
  • Minha conta está 500 reais no vermelho, espero poder receber meu pagamento em breve | My account is 500 reais in the red, I hope I can get my paycheck soon.

E aí, o que acharam? Can you think of any other money-related expression or word in English? Comente abaixo! Tune in next time for part II. Tenham uma ótima semana!

Check out our previous post on the topic right here!

Money vocabulary in Portuguese

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