Portuguese Language Blog

Verbs + their prepositions in Portuguese Posted by on Sep 14, 2017 in Grammar, Learning, Vocabulary

[Verbos + suas preposições em Português]

Ei, pessoal! Tudo bem? Hey guys! Are you ok?

Just like in English, some verbs in Portuguese call for a specific preposition to come after the verb in a sentence. Don’t worry about memorizing any of them, just remember that the best way to improve your skills is to keep practicing! This post is a great way to help you learn both verbs and prepositions in our language.

First of all, let’s review the main prepositions in Portuguese in the banner below:

Now look at these verbs, their following prepositions and read some examples below:

Preocupar (com algo) – worry (about something)

  • Muitos brasileiros estão preocupados com as eleições no ano que vem – Many Brazilians are worried about the elections next year
  • Pais sempre se preocupam com seus filhos – Parents always worry about their children
  • Tente não se preocupar com coisas que estão além de seu controle – Try not to worry about things that are beyond your control

Acreditar (em algo) – believe (in something)

  • Depois que ela mentiu para mim, não acredito em mais nada que ela diz – After she lied to me, I can’t believe in anything else she says
  • Quando as crianças crescem, elas deixam de acreditar em Papai Noel – When children grow up, they stop believing in Santa
  • É difícil acreditar nas* promessas que os políticos fazem – It is hard to believe the promisses politicians make

(note: nas = em + as | in + the)

Importar (com algo) – care (about something)

  • Eu não me importo com o que os outros pensam de mim – I don’t care about what other people think about me
  • O médico disse ao paciente que ele precisa se importar mais com sua saúde – The doctor told the patient to care more about his health
  • Grandes empresas só se importam com dinheiro – Big companies only care about money

Concordar (com alguém/algo) – agree (with someone/ about something)

  • Eu entendo o que o professor está dizendo, mas não concordo com ele – I understand what the professor is saying, but I don’t agree with him
  • O chefe concordou com minha sugestão de adiar a reunião – The boss agreed with my suggestion to postpone the meeting
  • Por que você nunca concorda com minhas opiniões? – Why don’t you ever agree with my opinions?

Pedir desculpa (a alguém/ por algo) – apologize (to someone/ for doing something)

  • Os alunos pediram desculpa à professora por terem desrespeitado as regras – The students apologized to the teacher for having disobeyed the rules
  • Senhores passageiros, pedimos desculpa pelo* atraso do vôo – Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the delay in the flight
  • O ator se desculpou publicamente aos fãs pelo mal-entendido – The actor publicly apologized to his fans for the misunderstanding

(note: pelo = por + o | for + the)

Convencer (a fazer algo) – convince (to do something)

  • O advogado nos convenceu a acreditar na inocência do réu – The attorney convinced us to believe in the innocence of the defendant
  • Estava tarde, então os anfitriões me convenceram a passar a noite na casa deles – It was late, so my guests convinced me to stay at their place overnight
  • Ele conseguiu convencer os investidores a emprestarem o dinheiro (He managed to convince the investors to loan him the money)

Want to check out more verbs and their prepositions? Take at look at these previous posts!:




Tenham uma boa semana! Have a good week!

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