Russian Language Blog

10 Most Popular Russian Posts of 2015 Posted by on Dec 21, 2015 in Uncategorized


As we wrap up the year 2015, let us look at the most popular posts from 2015. Some of these were written before 2015 but they continue to remain at the top of the list.

10. Russian Names for Pets

Have you ever wondered what name you should give your Russian pet? Look no further than this post for a list of popular dog and cat names. In addition, you will learn to describe various pets (питомцы).

9. Russian Numbers 1 – 100

Let’s get back to basics with this overview of counting to 100. Besides the numbers themselves, the post covers when numbers have gender and what noun case follows each group of numbers.

8. Why Some Men Want to Marry Russian Women

What makes Russian women the epitome of the stereotypical mail order bride? Is it their looks, they presumed well-roundedness or humility, or something else? Jenya tackles this mystery and shares some theories on this preference.

7. Is This the Most Popular Russian Song Ever?

What is the most famous Russian song? Is it the “Tetris song”? Or perhaps a pop song? Find out about the many Russian and English covers of this song.

6. What Does a Russian Look Like?

Hopefully, it won’t come as a surprise that Russians aren’t all blond with blue eyes. Still, this article may be worth showing to that one friend who keeps saying brown-eyed people “don’t look Russian.” Learn about the ethnic diversity in Russia and what it means to be Russian.

5. Top 10 Russian phrases for expressing love & affection

If you are wooing a partner from Russia, you don’t want to use an interpreter to whisper sweet nothings! Make sure you know how to say you love them, you miss them, and you can’t wait to see them!

4. 5 Most Common Russian Gestures

Gestures are far from universal, and some of Russian gestures don’t have a one-to-one equivalent in other countries. What does it mean to stick your thumb between your curled index and middle finger? “Got your nose”? Not so in Russia!

3. 10 Must-Know Russian Phrases for Dating a Russian

Keep building your love vocabulary with this list. Learn to call your darling by their pet name. The post covers a range of other situations that may come up, from deciding where to go to saying goodbye.

2. 100 Must-Know Russian Words and How to Learn Them

Build a solid foundation for your vocabulary by learning the top 25 most frequent nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns. Once you master this list, you should be able to identify these words easily and understand much more in headlines and conversations.

1. Finally! NEW Russian Movies with English Subtitles

Our most popular post of 2015 features a few recent movies that are available online with subtitles to help you follow along. Be sure to read the comment section, too — there are great suggestions there. Hopefully, you get to enjoy some of these movies over the winter break.

Was there are post you particularly liked this past year? Anything you would like to see covered in 2016?

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About the Author: Maria

Maria is a Russian-born translator from Western New York. She is excited to share her fascination with all things Russian on this blog. Maria's professional updates are available in English on her website and Twitter and in Russian on Telegram.