Archive for December, 2021
Back to the USSR: Some products that you can find even today Posted by ryan on Dec 29, 2021

A notable anniversary just passed us; 30 years ago, в декабре́ 1991-го (девяно́ста пе́рвого) го́да СССР официа́льно прекрати́л своё существова́ние in December 1991, the USSR officially ceased to exist, creating 15 new nations. To make a post about the legacy the Soviet system left on this giant chunk of Eurasia would be too long for…
White roses, knees, and ravens Posted by bota on Dec 21, 2021

When you think of Russian winters, you imagine early mornings with untouched сугро́бы (snowdrifts), краси́вые узо́ры на стёклах авто́бусов (pretty frost patters on the windows of buses), and serene forests of snow-covered pines and birch trees. Вокруг белым–бело́! (It is white everywhere!) To be fair, this Russian white winter fantasy varies greatly depending on where…
One of the Two Troubles of Russia: Roads Posted by ryan on Dec 17, 2021

Roads have always played an important part of life in Russia. If you remember my last post about types of transportation in Russian cities, let’s explore what all those machines actually run on: roads. Radishchev stylized his cutting 1790 critique of Catherine’s Russia (which ultimately landed him in exile in Siberia) on a travelogue that…
Make-up and Drag in Russia Posted by bota on Dec 14, 2021

Whether you are doing some holiday shopping or would like to avoid saying, “you know that thing that does this to your eyelashes”, these make-up related Russian vocabulary and phrases are here to help. Basics Unlike in Soviet Union times, modern Russian markets have широ́кий ассортиме́нт косме́тики (many choices of make-up) from all over the…
Rush Hour: How does one get around in a Russian [provincial] city? Posted by ryan on Dec 10, 2021

As I was driving home from work on the roads of my city, snow layered on thick and people driving significantly slower than they normally would, I thought of how the snow would never stop a Russian маршру́тка driver, weaving in and out of traffic, zipping around corners, and stopping his machine dead in its…
Russian Lullabies Posted by bota on Dec 3, 2021

Не зна́ю, как вы, но в декабре́ мне о́чень хо́чется спать! Whether it’s the end-of-the-year blues or the fact that we only get about 8 hours of daylight – either way, I envy my childhood years when sleep was something I was encouraged to do. If only I could have those afternoon naps in kindergarten…