Ways To Respond To Spasibo Posted by Nadya on Apr 20, 2021 in language, Vocabulary
You probably already know how to thank others in Russian. We discussed this topic earlier in this blog. But it’s equally important to know what to answer when someone thanks you. Today we will learn how to respond to words of gratitude.
You Are Welcome
First of all, I’ll start with the most known expression:
Пожа́луйста! – You’re welcome!
Undoubtedly, this word often scares non-Russian speakers. It is difficult to pronounce [pa-ZHA-luy–sta] the first time. But with a little practice, you will definitely nail it. For that, read Maria’s blog about three difficult-to-pronounce but constantly used words.
Спаси́бо, что вы мне помогли́! – Thank you for helping me!
Всегда́ пожа́луйста! – You are always welcome!
But “Пожа́луйста!” is not the only way to respond to “Thank you.” So let’s increase your vocabulary with other answers that native speakers use every day. Read here why.
Not At All
Of course, you are always going to be grateful to the person who has helped you. But, in response, you will often hear a polite reply of “not at all.” By the way, it is important not to confuse the spelling for “не́ за что” and “ни за что́“.
There is a formal answer in Russian:
Не сто́ит благода́рности – do not mention it, not at all
Pronunciation: nye STO-eet bla-gaDAR-nas-ti
Literal translation: not worth any gratitude
Че́стно, я о́чень ра́да, что ты прие́хала! – Honestly, I am very glad you came!
Не сто́ит благода́рности! – Do not mention it!
And there are also colloquial ones, such as:
Не́ за что
Pronunciation: NYE za shtuh
Literal translation: nothing (to thank) for
Спаси́бо за тако́й прия́тный сюрпри́з! – Thank you for such a pleasant surprise!
Совсе́м не́ за что! – Not at all!
Other informal ways to respond:
Pronunciation: pus-ti-KEE
Literal translation: Trifle
Спаси́бо, что подвезли́! – Thanks for the ride!
Пустяки́! Мне бы́ло не тру́дно. – Not at all! It was not difficult for me.
Pronunciation: ye-roon-DAH
Literal translation: Nonsense, Nothing
Ты так мно́го сде́лал для меня́! – You have done so much for me!
Ерунда́, пове́рь, я с ра́достью сде́лаю всё для тебя́. – Nonsense, believe me, I will gladly do anything for you.
Happy To Help
Indeed, it is nice when someone helps you from the heart. Perhaps you also like to help others. Here are some examples of how this can be expressed in words:
Рад / ра́да помо́чь
Pronunciation: RAD / RA-da pa-MOCH
Literal translation: I am happy to help
Спаси́бо тебе́ за фина́нсовую подде́ржку! – Thank you for the financial support!
В да́нном слу́чае я ра́да помо́чь! – In this case, I’m happy to help!
Бы́ло прия́тно Вам помо́чь
Pronunciation: by-la pri-YAT-na VAM pa-MOCH
Literally: It was nice/pleasant to help you
Я да́же не зна́ю, как вы́разить Вам свою́ благода́рность! – I don’t even know how to express my gratitude to you!
Не пережива́йте, мне бы́ло прия́тно Вам помо́чь! – Don’t worry, it was my pleasure to help you!
In like manner, we use a slightly more discreet phrase:
Рад/ра́да быть поле́зным/поле́зной
Pronunciation: rad RA-da byt’ pa-LEZ-nym / pa-LEZ-noy
Literal translation: Glad to be helpful
Благодарю́ за по́мощь! – Thank you for your help!
Ра́да быть поле́зной! Звони́ мне, е́сли пона́доблюсь. – Call me if you need me.
No Problem
You know that in English “no problem” is used regularly. However, in Russian, this is a less common way to express thankfulness. More often, such a phrase emphasizes the absence of barriers:
Не пробле́ма
Pronunciation: nye prab-LYE-ma
Literal translation: It is not a problem
Спаси́бо, что прие́хали поздно ве́чером! – Thank you for arriving late at night!
Не пробле́ма, я по́здно ложу́сь спать всё равно́. – Not a problem, I go to bed late anyway.
For a sarcastic answer, this is a great option:
Не вопро́с
Pronunciation: nye vap-ROS
Literal translation: No question
Ты до́лжен был убра́ть свою́ ко́мнату. Вот уж спаси́бо! – You were supposed to clean your room. Thanks for nothing!
Да не вопро́с, мам. Обраща́йся. – No problem, mom. Anytime.
Other Popular Expressions
For some reason, many people confuse the Russian toast “будем здоро́вы!” with a wish “на здоро́вье.” In fact, we say “to your health” in response to gratitude. That is, we want what we have done for someone to bring them health:
На здоро́вье
Pronunciation: na zda-RO-vye
Literal translation: To your health
Meaning: You are welcome
Бы́ло о́чень вку́сно, спаси́бо! – It was delicious, thank you!
На здоро́вье! – You are welcome!
Pronunciation: ab-ra-SCHAY-sya
Literal translation: Ask me when you need me
Meaning: Any time
Большо́е спаси́бо, что почини́л кран! – Thanks so much for fixing the faucet!
Обраща́йся! – Any time!
However, one expression is different from all the above. It is “thank you too” in response to “thank you:”
Вам спаси́бо!
Pronunciation: VAM spa-SEE-ba
Спаси́бо за прекра́сный дуэ́т! – Thanks for the great duet!
Вам спаси́бо! – Thank you too!
Спасибо за внимание!

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