10 Most Popular Spanish Posts of 2015 Posted by Laura & Adam on Dec 29, 2015 in Learning, Spanish Culture, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary, Videos
Christmas has been and gone and we are nearly ready to wave goodbye to 2015. We hope you enjoyed a fantastic Christmas and send all our very best wishes for the new year!
Now is a great time to recap on our most popular Spanish posts of the year.
So, here you have the 10 most popular Spanish posts of 2015:
10. How to say “myself”, “yourself”, “himself” in Spanish
Kicking off at number 10 in our list is a post about reflexive pronouns and how to use them in Spanish. These are the little words like me, te, or se that we use all the time to refer to the likes of myself, yourself, or himself. This is an essential little grammar topic that is explained clearly and succinctly.
9. Expressing your opinion in Spanish
This is an interesting and very useful post all about expressing your opinion in Spanish using questions such as ¿Qué piensas de…?, ¿Usted qué cree?, or ¿Qué opina de…? And replies such as Yo creo que…, Opino que…, and Se me hace que… Some of these structures are quite common and you will probably already be familiar with them, others less so. All of them are extremely useful if you want to get involved with interesting debates and discussions in Spanish.
8. The superlative with “-ísimo” in Spanish
The Spanish ending -ísimo(a) is used like –est in English to express superlatives. In this post we look at exactly how -ísimo(a) should be used with Spanish adjectives according to common and irregular rules.
Ahorita is one of those tricky little words with lots of possible meaning and uses. Here we take a look at it in detail and clarify exactly how it should be used.
6. Cute (and “dangerous”) pet names in Spanish
This post was written in both Spanish and English and looks at some of the sweet and intimate names we give to our loved ones. Some of the most common that you may have heard include: Cari (Cariño), Cielo, and Amorcito. But there are also lots of informal ones such as Churri or Gordo/a. Some of these require advice as to how they should be used, with whom, and when. Use with caution.
5. Diminutivo de los Nombres Propios
More about names! This was a really popular post looking at how first names are often shortened (given diminutives) in Spanish. Examples are Paco for Francisco or Lola for Dolores. The use of diminutives is popular in Spanish. They modify words to convey smallness or give a sense of intimacy or endearment.
This post is a classic. People are always interested in learning how to state their nationality in another language and here we have a long list of different nationalities. If by any chance you don´t find your nationality listed, please leave a comment and we will respond with the correct version of your nationality in Spanish.
3. Formal and informal ways of saying “Goodbye” in Spanish
There are so many different ways of bidding farewell to someone in Spanish, or any language for that matter. Here we take a look at some of the most common informal and formal ways of saying Goodbye in Spanish. Essential tools for any budding Spanish speaker!
2. Formal and informal ways of saying “Hello” in Spanish
This post follows in a similar vein to the previous one, this time highlighting the most essential ways of saying Hello in Spanish. Using Hola is not the only way you can greet someone in Spanish. Again, this post helps you with both formal and informal usage.
1. The song “Let it go” from Frozen in Spanish.
Who doesn´t love the Frozen movie?! I have two young daughters and they are absolutely besotted with Anna and Elsa. I personally still enjoy watching it and especially appreciate the quality of the songs. Let it go is probably my favourite and here you can listen to it and read the lyrics in Spanish. It is interesting to see that the translation is quite different from the original. A great song to belt out on New Year´s Eve! Watch out for those high notes!!
Thanks to all of our readers! ¡Muchisimas gracias! Without you we wouldn´t have a blog.
Happy New Year to all of you! We’ll see you here in 2016.
!Feliz año nuevo a todos¡ Nos veremos aquí en 2016.

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