Archive for May, 2020
Of, By, From? The Swedish Preposition “Av” Posted by Chelsea B on May 27, 2020

Prepositions are tricky parts of speech to master. I’ve covered this topic before with i and på, but there are plenty more for us to dissect! Attempting to translate prepositions directly from your native language into Swedish often doesn’t pan out. Sometimes the preposition is the same, sometimes not, sometimes you don’t even need a…
10 Reasons to Love Pippi! Posted by Chelsea B on May 20, 2020

“Tjolahopp tjolahej tjolahoppsansa!” Här kommer Pippi Långstrump! Astrid Lindgren’s beloved character Pippi Longstocking turns 75 this year. First published in 1945, Pippi Långstrump was an instant hit in Sweden and since then, the work has been translated into 92 languages. This exceptional figure has inspired children, AND adults alike, all over the world. I adore…
False Friends – How “ett kiss” in Swedish isn’t “a kiss” in English Posted by Chelsea B on May 13, 2020

Faux amies or false friends are tricky little things for language learners! Called “bilingual homophones” these are words that look or sound similar between two or more languages but differ significantly in meaning. So, you guessed it, while (ett) kiss is pronounced relatively the same in Swedish as it is in English, it’s not a…
Music Blog features Laleh and “Vårens första dag” Posted by Chelsea B on May 5, 2020

Another month gone by, means it’s time for the music blog! This week we’ll meet one of my favorite Swedish artists, Laleh. Although it’s officially spring time, I live in a place where spring is really just getting going now! So, as a tribute to spring, “Vårens första dag / Spring’s First Day,” is the…