A Nordic Union Posted by Tibor on Oct 18, 2017 in Culture
Not so long ago there was a poll made by Nordisk Forum about a possible Nordic Federal state. (Nordisk Förbundsstat). Well, the poll was about which Nordic city should be the capital, to be exact.
FNF is a group for everyone who is interested in the Nordics. The Nordic Forum is founded by the collaboration of the Nordic Confederations, which wishes to provide people with information and debate about all aspects of Nordic activities; politics, business, education, research, sports, culture, globalization – just to name a few of the many aspects of our lives that we in the Nordic region have common interests in. FNF wants to promote a versatile discussion about the Nordic community.
Eirikur Bergmann an Icelandic professor who works at Bifrost University of Iceland discussed the possibility of a Nordic Federal state in his article in the British Guardian with the title: Is a Nordic federal state on the cards? already in 2010. read the article here
If the Nordic countries are united in a federal state, it will mean that each country will retain a large amount of self-determination and have its own constitution, parliament, government and courts, while being united in matters of defense and international affairs while retaining a federal government to standardize, and make laws on matters which affect the country as a whole, and on matters where it would be unhelpful for the law to be different in each state. In short: change will be minimal. (source: https://thenordicunion.wordpress.com/government/)
The realistic utopia has never been really on the table or up for discussion but there are certainly a lot of examples for successful federalization processes like: Switzerland, Germany, Italy or the United States. Furthermore the languages and the cultures of the various Nordic countries are very close to each other even though it is also different within the Nordics.
The above mentioned poll chose Copenhagen as the capital of the Nordics, on the second place Gothenburg and the third was Stockholm.
Among the advantages mentions reddit.com the following aspects:
- 26 million inhabitants (48 th place in the world)
- 55000 active military and 475.000 reserve (66 th, 18 th)
- The Nordic Federal State would have a GDP 1.714 trillion dollars (12th)
- GDP per capita 65.503 dollars a year (5th)
- Area of 3.426.000 kvadratkilometers (7th)
- The Nordic Federal state would have a HDI rating of 0,901

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