Swedish Language Blog

Archive for 'Swedish Language'

We will never die! Posted by on Nov 22, 2010

So let me give you another Swedish song with translation and lyrics. Learning vocabulary from lyrics/songs is like a guldgruva (gold mine) i.e. where you have lots and lots of treasures/resources, would maybe our Marcus say. I am referring to his previous blog post of course. I have chosen a song from one of my favorite bands Bo Kaspers…

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Fun with Swedish – Compound Words. No Really. Posted by on Nov 18, 2010

Swedish words can end up being really long.  I mean really long.  Nordöstersjökustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranläggningsmaterielunderhållsuppföljningssystemdiskussionsinläggsförberedelsearbeten long.  I found this word on the always reliable Wikipedia, which we all know should never be doubted. Or something like that.  The claim is this word holds the Guinness World Record for longest word in the Swedish language Regardless of the…

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Swedish Verb Synonyms Posted by on Nov 10, 2010

Let’s say this is the second part of the synonyms on the Swedish blog. This time I try to explain to you some verb with slightly different meanings. The sentences I have chosen describe the action that the meaning of the verb stands for. So for example in the first sentence flanera means to walk…

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Swedish Synonyms Posted by on Nov 8, 2010

Synonyms are words grouped by the similarity of meaning. The meaning is not identical but of adjacent use.  Synonyms aren´t each other´s counterparts but are rather nuanced variants with slightly different meanings depending on the context. They are useful to emphasize what we want to say; also you can use them when making sarcastic and…

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Swedish Plural Endings Posted by on Nov 3, 2010

Because we give you what you want (or at least try to every now and again) we’ve decided to write another post on plural endings. Tibor has put together a great post on nouns in general including the different plural endings, so for a more encompassing look at nouns check out Swedish Nouns. When trying…

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Swedish Helping Verbs Posted by on Nov 1, 2010

A couple of weeks ago a commenter was asking about the use of “vill,” so we thought we would put together a quick overview of some other helping verbs used in Swedish. Below you will find a quick list of some common helping verbs: Vill = to want to Behöver = to need to Ska…

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SwS Episode 2: A day in the life of a Swede Posted by on Oct 29, 2010

Tjena! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? After a month of waiting, editing, and finalizing, I’ve finally got a new video to share with you all! Hopefully the next one won’t take as long to finish; I’d like to begin posting at least once every other week. I imagine I will become more time-efficient in…

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