Tag Archives: possessive pronouns
Swedish Possessive Pronouns – Min, Mitt, Mina Posted by Marcus Cederström on Apr 12, 2016

In my last post, The Swedish Definite Form – Demonstrative Pronouns, I messed up. I wrote the following sentence: Detta röda hus är min. This red house is mine. See what I did wrong? Min. It should have been mitt. Detta röda hus är mitt. Why? Because hus is an ett-word. Ett hus. When…
Swedish Pronouns Posted by Tibor on Jul 19, 2010
Singular and Plural 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd person Grundform or Personal Pronouns Object forms Possessive Reflexive Reflexive possessive singular: 1 person jag mig min (verb) + mig min 2 person du dig din (verb) + dig din 3 person han, hon honom, henne hans, hennes (verb) + sig sin 3…
It’s a sin! Posted by Transparent Language on Jul 4, 2009
Well, not really a sin, but simply “sin”. It’s one of those fun “false friends”- words that look the same in both English and Swedish, but have different meanings. And we could pretty much leave it at that, but unfortunately, this Swedish “sin” can be a bit problematic for English speakers. You see, it’s a…
Swedish Possessive Pronouns Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 30, 2009
I have never suspected that possessive pronouns (possessiva pronomen) can be the cause of so many emails! In my post about birthdays, I used a couple of possessive pronouns, and seemingly all of you who had my email address got in touch saying something along those lines “Yo Anna, if you are going to use…