Portuguese Language Blog

Sounds X and CH in Português Brasileiro Posted by on Sep 21, 2015 in Learning, Spelling, Vocabulary

Tudo joia, gente? (How are things, everyone?)


Last Monday we focused on the sounds S e R em Português, there are two other sounds which are also very important in Português: X e CH.


  • The sound X could be a difficult one for a non-native since there are four different ways of pronouncing it and no specific rules to help out.


  1. The most frequent sound for the letter X in Português is the sound SH in English:

México (Mexico)

Deixar (let)

Caixa (box)

Lixo (garbage)

Mexer (there are many translations to this word, the most common are: move; stir; wiggle; disturb)

Bruxa (witch)

Puxar (pull)



  1. Sometimes the X will sound as an S does in English:

Ex-presidente (ex-president)

Sexta-feira (Friday)

Trouxe (brought)

Excelente (excellent)

Exportar (export)

Expectativa (expectation)

Explorar (explore)



  1. Another sound for the letter X would be a Z sound in English and this sound tends to occur when there is a E + X + vowel:

Exercício (exercise)

Exausto (exhausted)

Exame (exam)

Exemplo (example)

Exótico (exoctic)

Exato (exact)


  1. Last but not least, sometimes the X will sound the same as in English.

Táxi (taxi)

Oxigênio (oxygen)

Fixo (fix)

Fax (fax)

Tóxico (toxic)

Complexo (complex)



  • The sound CH is an easy one in comparison since it only has one way of pronouncing it. It will always sound as a SH does in English, the same as the first X sound mentioned above does.

Cheio (full)

China (China)

Chinelo (flip-flops)

Chorar (to cry)

Chá (tea)

Achar (to find)

Salsicha (sausage)


  • Some words in Português will sound the same (or almost the same), but have different spellings and have different meanings. For example:

Cheque (check) and Xeque (check in chess)


Eu usei um cheque para pagar pelas roupas. (I used a check to pay for the clothes)

Geraldo é bom no xadrez, ele me deu um xeque na terceira jogada. (Geraldo is good in chess, he gave me a check on the third round).



Tacha (tack) and taxa (tax)


Eu preciso de uma tacha para pregar o aviso no quadro de avisos. (I need a tack to put the warning on the notice board).

O governo disse que vai diminuir as taxas para compra de carros. (The government said they will lower the taxes for buying cars).



Rocha (rock) and

Roxa (purple)


A matéria preferida de Marina é Geografia, ela gosta de estudar rochas. (Marina’s favourite subject is Geography, she likes studying the rocks).

Acho que vou comprar aquela blusa roxa. (I think I’m going to buy that purple shirt).


Now that you know all the sounds for X and CH we will be checking out some other letters next week. See you then!

Até semana que vem!

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  1. jon Keller:

    Great post. These have always been confusing to me