Arabic Language Blog

Arabic Song about keeping dignity (3) Posted by on Jun 11, 2021 in Arabic Language, Culture, Idioms, Music, Pronunciation, Proverbs, Vocabulary

Welcome to the second part of this log post series where we talk about common expressions around the concept of dignity الكرامة, in Arabic. Please refer back to the first and second part of this blog post to read more about the concept in Arabic and some of the common vernacular proverbs that Arab speaking people use when talking about keeping one’s dignity حِفاظ الإنسان على كرامته. Today’s post provides an opportunity to learn, in context, other popular expressions about keeping one’s dignity. The context will be a song – in Egyptian Arabic – called: Elli Baʕ-na اللّي باعنا “The one who sold us”.


Image by Frida Bredesen on


The song we’re learning today is by the iconic Lebanese singer راغب علامة  Ragheb ʕalaama. The song went viral when first released in summer 2018. It’s interestingly very suitable to the topic of dignity and can well complement your understanding of how the this concept is expressed in another setting, i.e. songs. In the lyrics provided below, 5 different phrases/ sentences about this concept are bolded for you to notice and learn. These phrases are used by the singer to specifically emphasises that he can’t care less about being forgotten or sold by his beloved as it’s all about keeping one’s dignity!



اللي باعنا

The one who sold us


اللي باعنا

The one who sold us

 خسر دلعنا

lost our flattering/pampering

راح لحاله

went on his own

 يلا يودّعنا

whatever, let him part with us



 والقلب ناسيه

and the heart has already forgotten him

= = = = = =


واللي سابنا

And the one who left us

 قفلنا بابنا

we closed our door

يلا بينا وفّرنا تعبنا

Whatever, we saved our effort

الحياة مش واقفة عليه

Life isn’t stopping for him

= = = = = =


من امتى بيفرق لنا

Since when it matters to us

 مين راح او مين استنى

Who left or who waited

اللي يحبنا يكسب ودّنا

The one who loves us, earns our friendliness/love

 ويضحي عشانا

And sacrifices for us

مبسوط على كده

If he’s happy with this

 100 فل ورضا

A hundred Jasmin and contentment

ومش عاجبه يسيبنا

And if he doesn’t like it, he leaves us

هو اللي اختار بإيديه النار

He was the one who chose hell with his hands

 وخرج من الجنة

And got out of heaven

= = = = = =


اللي باعنا

The one who sold us

 خسر دلعنا

lost our flattering/pampering

راح لحاله

went on his own

 يلا يودّعنا

whatever, let him part with us



 والقلب ناسيه

and the heart has already forgotten him

= = = = = =


اللي غايب

That who is absent

 مالوهش نايب

has no delegate

راح حبيب

A lover left

 يجي غيره حبايب

other lovers come

عمرنا ما هنسأل فيه

we will never care about him

واللي يخرج برّه حياتنا

And that who gets out of our life

عادي، بنشيله من حساباتنا

It’s ok, we leave him out of our calculations

1“we’ll not play tricks on him to (stay)”مش هنتحايل عليه

We will not beg him

= = = = = =


واللي مابيعرفش قيمتنا

And the one who doesn’t know our value

 تبقى سكته غير سكتنا

Then his path is not our path

خد معاه الشر وراح

he took evil with him and elft

مش هنتعب روحنا عشانو

We won’t tire/bother ourselves for him

 ألف مين يتمنوا مكانه

A thousand of people wish they could be in his place

هو كده ريّح وارتاح

This way, he gave us rest and he got rest

= = = = = =

  • 1
    “we’ll not play tricks on him to (stay)”
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About the Author: Hanan Ben Nafa

Hi, this is Hanan :) I'm an Arabic linguist. I completed my PhD in Linguistics - 2018. My PhD thesis was entitled Code-switching as an evaluative strategy: identity construction among Arabic-English bilinguals. I'm also a qualified public service translator & interpreter.