- We have already studied the Nominal Sentence الـجــُــمــلــة الاســمــيـــة . Today, we are going to study the second type of the Arabic Sentences which is the Verbal Sentence الــجــمــلــة الــفــعــلــيـــة .
- Simply speaking, the verbal sentence in the Arabic language is the sentence that starts with a verb فـِــعـــْـــل . It consists of a verb followed by the subject or doer فــاعــِـــل of the verb followed by the object مـَـــفــعـــُـــول بـــِــه .
- The sentence in the picture above is a verbal one. It starts with the past verb كـــَـــتـــَــــبَ (wrote). Now, who wrote? Muhammad is the subject or doer فــاعــِـــل of the action. He (Muhammad) is the one or the person who wrote. So, Muhammad wrote, but wrote what? He (Muhammad) wrote the lesson الــدَّرسَ . Hence, the lesson is the object الــمــَــفـــعــــُـــول . It is the thing that received the action. The action (writing) happened to the lesson.
- A verbal sentence can be in the present tense زمــن الــمــُــضـــارع if its verb is in the present tense.
Ex. – يــشــربُ مــُــحــَــمــّــــدٌ الــمــَــاءَ
= Muhammad drinks (is drinking) (the) water.
- A verbal sentence can be in the imperative mood صــيــغــة الأمــر if it starts with an imperative verb فـعــل أمــر
Ex. – اِقـــْـــرَأ (أنــتَ) الــكــِـــتـــَــــابَ = Read (you) the book.
- A verbal sentence can be in the passive voice صــيــغـــة الـمــبــنــى لـلــمــَــجــهـــُـــول if its verb is a passive verb فــعــل مـَــبــنــى لـلــمــجــهـــول
Ex. – كــُـــتــِـــبَ الــدَّرسُ = The lesson was written.
- A verbal sentence can have more than one object depending on the type of the verb.
Ex. – أعــطــى الـمــُــعــَـــلــِّــــمُ عــَــلـِــيــّــاً جــَــائــِــزةً
= The teacher gave Ali a present.
- A verbal sentence can have no object at all if its verb is intransitive.
Ex. – نـــَـــامَ الـــطـــِـــفـــْـــــلُ = The baby slept.
- A verbal sentence can contain other components such as الـحـــَــال / الـتــمــيــيــز / الـمــفــعـــول لأجــلــه / الـمــفــعـــول الــمـُــطــلــــق etc.
(We will discuss each component of the verbal sentence in more detail later on.)
Check us back soon
Peace ســـــلام /Salam/
I like your texts very much. That is why I would like to use them in my article, if it is possible. I am interesting in that topic, therefore I need you help. Please, say YES. Thank You.
Burhanuddin salman:
What happens when the verbal sentence has a fa’il which is in plural. Then how is the verb written?
Hi salman,
Here is the answer to your question:
Try searching the blog page for ‘The verbal Sentence” and you will have more articles. Also, try the “Older Entries” down the search page 🙂
thanks for sharing
@Junaid You are welcome, Junaid 🙂
I found the example interesting, I am learning Arabic. I was given assignment to find example of verbal sentences, and this help. thanks I will be happy If you can also be my tutor?
@abduljalil Ahlan Abduljalil,
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I really got helped by your text.thank u so much for this.
How many verbs can be put in one sentence