Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Remember – Kazim Al-Sahir Posted by on Mar 6, 2016

   Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, I am presenting a beautiful but sad song by the Iraqi famous singer Kazim Al-Sahir كــاظــم الــســَّــاهــِــر. The song is entitled “Remember تــذكــَّــر” which is a scream that aims to awaken humanity and its conscience against all the tragedies happening to all the oppressed and the prejudiced especially the innocent…

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Semolina Dessert (Harissa) Posted by on Feb 28, 2016

In this post, I present the recipe of a very famous and delicious Arabic dessert made with semolina flour. It is called harissa (الهريسة). If you add coconuts to the mix, your dessert is called (بسبوسة). الهريسة 3 كوب سميد، ناعم ¾ كوب سكر ¾ كوب زبدة مذوبة، غير مملحة ½ ملعقة صغيره بايكنغ باودر…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about War in Arabic (2) Posted by on Feb 27, 2016

Marhaba! I am confident you refreshed your memory and/or learned something new from the previous post on the 10 most common words about war in Arabic. Hope you all enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post I am sharing the answers to the Arabic crossword puzzle and some examples of how you can use…

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Fayrouz, How Are You? Posted by on Feb 26, 2016

In this post, I present one of my favourtie songs ever by Fayrouz, How are you?” (كيفك انت) This song tells a story of  a woman who sees her lover year after they were separated and asks him “How are you?” (كيفك انت). The song was released in 1991 in an album that has the same…

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Listening Comprehension Exercise: Boutros Ghali Posted by on Feb 25, 2016

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Last week and exactly on February, 16th and at the age of 94, a very famous Egyptian character left our world. We are going to listen to a short report about his life journey and try to answer some comprehension questions. اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة…

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How To Learn Egyptian Arabic Posted by on Feb 24, 2016

    Ahlan, Arabic lovers! In some previous posts, we discussed the dialect phenomenon that distinguishes the Arabic language and that may be a source of a continuous pain to most foreigners studying Arabic. Today, we are going to share some advice on how to learn the Egyptian dialect; how to talk like an Egyptian!…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about War in Arabic Posted by on Feb 23, 2016

Marhaba! Though I always try to stay positive about developments in the Middle East, especially the Arab world, it seems clear to almost anyone around the globe that wars, devastation, economic and sociopolitical hardships, bloody revolutions, and gory protests are common, largely unfortunate, aspects of this region. Be it from foreign occupation, intervention, colonialism, or…

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