Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

What Does it Mean to Have a Good Reputation? Posted by on Jul 7, 2021

What comes to mind when you hear the word reputation السُّمْعة? Where you live, in your culture, how important is it to have a good reputation سمعة كويسة? In this post, I thought to talk about the importance of one’s reputation in the Arab world, specifically in Jordan since I’m Jordanian and what it means…

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Arabic Song about keeping dignity (3) Posted by on Jun 11, 2021

Welcome to the second part of this log post series where we talk about common expressions around the concept of dignity الكرامة, in Arabic. Please refer back to the first and second part of this blog post to read more about the concept in Arabic and some of the common vernacular proverbs that Arab speaking…

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Arabic expressions about keeping dignity (2) Posted by on Jun 4, 2021

Welcome to the second part of this blog post where we’re still talking about the concept of dignity مفهوم الكرامة  in Arabic, and learning some vocabulary around it. In the last blog post, we started learning about the word dignity itself and how it used in Arabic. We then studied a set of 3 proverbs…

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Arabic expressions about keeping dignity (1) Posted by on May 28, 2021

In today’s post, I would like to focus on the concept of dignity الكرامة in Arabic and how it’s talked about in the Arabic-speaking world. This 3-part post will look at a number of proverbs and everyday expressions/phrases that are used in spoken Arabic. In the first two parts, the focus will be several proverbs…

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Turkish words in Libyan Arabic Posted by on May 21, 2021

Welcome to a new post  🙂 مرحبا بكم في مدوّنة جديدة  Today’s post is of interest to those who are keen to learn more about spoken Arabic and the focus is Libyan Arabic اللهجة الليبية . A few months ago, we learnt some of the popular Italian words that were adopted from the Italian language and…

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Song: “Oh Eid  يا عيد “ Posted by on May 13, 2021

The Eid spirit is all around us! Today is first day of عيد الفطر Eid Al-fiTr. I wish those who celebrate Eid a very joyful one  كل عام وأنتم بخير – عيد مبارك Kul  ‘aam  wa  aantu-m  bi-khair, Eid Mubarak     On this day, I would like to share a lovely song, produced by Zain…

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Ramadan in Egypt is special حاجة تانية Posted by on Apr 26, 2021

Welcome to a new blog post 🙂 In this post, we’re going to study a lovely song by the amazing Emirati singer المطرب الإماراتي الرائع: Hussain Al-Jassmi حسين الجسمي. As is the case in each Ramadan, Hussain sings a special song as a way  كطريقة لِـ to celebrate للاحتفال بـ the holy month of Ramadan…

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