Arabic Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Couscous: the famous Maghrebi dish Posted by on Mar 8, 2021

Today, we’re learning about Couscous كسكسي/ كسكس. If you’ve not heard of it before, it’s a savoury dish that is made in North Africa, i.e. the countries of Maghreb (click here if you’re interested in learning how you can make couscous the libyan way). The reason why I would like to focus on this dish…

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Merry Christmas, from Fairuz – ليلة عيد Posted by on Dec 24, 2020

Welcome to this blog post مرحبًا بكم في هذه التدوينة. Christmas is here! Merry Christmas to all عيد ميلاد مجيد للجميع. 🎅🎅🎅 Today, I’d like to introduce you to the Arabic version of النسخة العربية من Jingle Bell song أغنية أجراس الميلاد  that is performed by Fairuz فيروز – the iconic Lebanese singer. The song is called…

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World Arabic Language Day Posted by on Dec 21, 2020

Last Friday يوم الجمعة الماضية, the 18th. Dec. 2020, was the world Arabic language day اليوم العالمي للغة العربية. In 2012, UNESCO -منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة  – decided to dedicate  قررت أن تُخصّص this day هذا اليوم to celebrate the Arabic language للاحتفال باللغة العربية , its diversity وتنوّعها and legacy وإرثها…

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King Hussein of Jordan Posted by on Nov 18, 2020

If you have visited Jordan or know a bit about its تاريخ history, surely you know of المَلِك حُسَين بِن طَلال King Hussein bin Talal. His pictures still hang in البيوت homes, المَدارِس schools, المَباني الحكومية government buildings, القاعات العامة public halls and even المَطاعِم restaurants. الشعب الأردني The Jordanian people like to be reminded…

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Being an Arab vegan (نباتي عربي (2 Posted by on Oct 30, 2020

Welcome Back to the second part of this blog post. Last time, we started learning the content of an interview about the topic of veganism النباتية الصرفة  In the first part of the post, I gave you a list of questions to try to answer after listening to the interview. In this second part of…

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Being an Arab vegan (نباتي عربي (1 Posted by on Oct 23, 2020


Today, I have a video clip for you about an interesting topic, and that is veganism النباتية الصرفة  . The clip is an interview مقابلة with a Saudi vlogger – Raoum As-sHebaani – where she answers several questions about her vlog on Youtube. The purpose of the blog is to test your comprehension level درجة…

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Status of cats in ancient Egypt: Answers Posted by on Sep 21, 2020

Welcome to the second part of this blog post about the status of cats in ancient Egypt مكانة القطط في مصر القديمة. This blog post is a comprehension test that is based on a short video clip in the Egyptian Arabic. Last week, you had a chance to watch the clip and work on some…

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