Did you Hear of the latest Arabic Surprise at the Lebanese American University? – Part 2 Posted by jesa on Mar 12, 2014 in Arabic Language, Culture
Marhaba! I am confident you enjoyed learning more about this new Arabic surprise from Lebanon in the heart of the Middle East! I hope you found the text to be easy to comprehend and that you were able to answer all the questions. Also, I hope you all translated the sentence from Arabic to English. What is really important about newspaper articles, similar to the one in the previous post, is that they expose you to one of the most familiar and common types of written Arabic. As I have mentioned in earlier posts, reading Arabic newspapers is one of the many smart ways to learn and improve your Arabic. Making yourself more and more familiar with reading Arabic newspapers on a daily basis can help you out tremendously. If you cannot every day, try your best to dedicate at least two or three days for reading through different Arabic newspapers as well as listen to popular or classical Arabic songs!
ترأس الحفل رئيس الجامعة الدكتور جوزف جبرا وحضره نائبة الرئيس لشؤون الطلاب الدكتورة اليز سالم وعميد كلية الآداب والعلوم بالإنابة نشأت منصور والدكتورة ندى صعب والدكتور لطيف زيتوني ومديرة معهد الدراسات النسائية في العالم العربي بالإنابة الدكتورة سميرة اغاسي
1. The ceremony was headed by the president of the university Dr. Joseph Jabra, and it was attended by the vice president of student affairs Alise Salem, and the Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences Nash’at Mansour, and Dr. Nada Saab and Dr. Latif Zeitoni, and the Interim Director of the Institute of Women Studies in the Arab World Dr. Samira Aghacy.
هناك تحدياً أمام مدرّسي هذه المواد يتمثل بضرورة تجاوز تعليم الأدب فقط على الرغم من قيمته بحد ذاته. يتجاوز ذلك إلى إضافة استنباط العبر وإبراز القيم الإيجابية من تاريخ هذا الأدب وهذه الثقافة
2. There is a challenge to the teachers of this material represented by the necessity to go beyond just teaching literature despite its value in and of itself. This necessity extends to extracting the morals and revealing the positive value of the history of this literature and this culture (Arabic).
الأدب الذي نريد أن نعلمه هو ذاك الذي يحكي عنا، عن واقعنا وهمومنا وأفكارنا وأوهامنا، هو ذاك الذي يبني ثقافتنا فيقابل القديم بالحديث ويقابل النص بالنقد ويقابل النقد التقليدي بنقد ما بعد الحداثة
3. The literature that we want to teach is that which speaks about us, about our reality, our worries, our ideas, and our illusions. It is the one that builds our culture and which faces the old with the modern, and the text with criticism, and traditional criticism with post-modernism.
“الرواية العربية: جماليات الأفق المسدود”
4. “The Arabic Novel: The Aesthetics of a Sealed Horizon”
5. Translation to English:
This is one of the few times in which I speak in Arabic, and I am proud that I am speaking in our language in front of you and at the commencement of a program specialized in the Arabic language and culture. Here, in this prestigious higher education institute, that is an American University working in the heart of an Arab world, in service of Lebanon’s youth and the region’s youth, this institution that had taken upon itself since it started in 1835 to be loyal to its message towards its society and towards its future which is its youth.
Stay tuned for upcoming posts.
Have a nice day!
نهاركم سعيد
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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.