Marhaba! Hope you all enjoyed solving the fun and stimulating Arabic crossword puzzle on feelings! In this post I am sharing the answers to the Arabic crossword puzzle and some examples of how you can use these words in a sentence. I have also transliterated and translated every example so that you can learn how to read and pronounce every sentence accurately.

Image by Fear’s Feelings via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Feeling– إحساس
Example: I have a feeling that it is going to snow tomorrow.
Translation: لدي احساس انه سوف يتساقط الثلج غداً
Transliteration: La-da-ya ih-sas an-na-hu saw-fa ya-ta-sa-qat al-tha-lij gha-dan.
Smile — ابتسامة
Example: I love Fatima’s beautiful smile!
Translation: أحب ابتسامة فاطمة الجميلة
Transliteration: U-hib ib-ti-sa-mat Fatima al-ja-mi-la!
Love — حب
Example: Love is a beautiful thing.
Translation: الحب هو شيء جميل
Transliteration: Al-hubb hu-wa shay’ ja-mil.
Hatred — كراهية
Example: Hatred brings bad luck
Translation: السيء الكراهية تجلب الحظ
Transliteration: Al-ka-ra-hi-ya taj-lib al-hath al-sa-yi’.
Cry — بكاء
Example: My grandfather would always say that crying is honorable for men
Translation: جدّي كان دائماً يقول ان البكاء شرف للرجال
Transliteration: Jad-di ka-na da-’i-man ya-qul an-na al-bu-ka’ sha-raf lil-ri-jal
Laughter — ضحك
Example: Mohammad’s laughter is sincere.
Translation: ضحك محمد صادق
Transliteration: Di-hik Muhammad Sa-diq
Apology — اعتذار
Example: I do not have a problem to offer a friend an apology.
Translation: ليس لدي مشكلة ان أقدم اعتذار لصديق
Transliteration: Lay-sa la-da-ya mush-ki-la an u-qa-dim i‘-ti-thar li-sa-diq
Forgiveness — غفران
Example: Forgiveness is very noble.
Translation: الغفران نبيل جداً
Transliteration: Al-ghuf-ran na-bil jid-dan
Pride — فخر
Example: I have pride in being an Arab.
Translation: لدي فخر لكوني عربياً
Transliteration: La-da-ya fa-khir li-kaw-ni ara-bi-yan
Comfort — راحة
Example: Comfort comes easily between friends.
Translation: الراحة تأتي بسهولة بين الاصدقاء
Transliteration: Al-ra-ha ta’-ti bi-su-hu-la bay-na al-as-di-qa’

For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد
Syed Moin Doja:
i love these simple word list lessons. first i print out the word list and then paste it on my wall and practice the given sentences throughout the week. i hope there will be more such word list and sample sentences. thanks for the great work.
@Syed Moin Doja Salam Syed! I am glad you find these lessons interesting. stay tuned for more interesting and useful posts.