Marhaba! In the past I have shared you with common expressions about love, anger, and kindness as well as swear words in Arabic. We sometimes have beautiful things to say and at other times nastier things to utter. Sometimes we are on the giving end and occasionally on the receiving side. Today, I am sharing the 10 most common words about feelings and emotions in Arabic. I have added the words in a fun crossword puzzle that will you learn in a fun and useful way. I have also transliterated all the words so that you can learn how to pronounce them appropriately. As always, think of these words as building blocks. These exercises will give you a leg up when writing and reading Arabic. I am confident you will all enjoy cracking this Arabic crossword puzzle. Make sure to come back for the answers soon and for examples on how to use these words in a sentence!

Image by Wrote via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Feeling — إحساس
Transliteration: Ih-sas
Smile — ابتسامة
Transliteration: Ib-ti-sa-ma
Love — حب
Transliteration: Hubb
Hatred — كراهية
Transliteration: Ka-ra-hi-ya
Crying — بكاء
Transliteration: Bu-ka’
Laughter — ضحك
Transliteration: Di-hik
Apology — اعتذار
Transliteration: I‘-ti-dhar
Forgiveness — غفران
Transliteration: Ghuf-ran
Pride — فخر
Transliteration: Fa-khir
Comfort — راحة
Transliteration: Ra-ha

For now take care and stay tuned for the answers soon!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد