Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Graduation in Arabic (2) Posted by jesa on May 24, 2016 in Arabic Language
Marhaba! I am positive you refreshed your memory and/or learned something new from the previous post on the 10 most common words about graduation in Arabic. Hope you all enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post I am sharing the answers and some examples of how you can use these words in a sentence. I have also transliterated and translated every example so that you can learn how to read and pronounce every sentence accurately. Always think of these exercises as a source of vocabulary and a repertoire of building blocks for your speaking, writing, and reading! Stay tuned for more exciting Arabic exercises.
Alumnus and Graduation –خرِّيج وتخرُّج
Example: Every student becomes an alumnus after graduation.
Translation: كل تلميذ يصبح خرّيج عند التخرُّج
Transliteration: Kul til-mith yus-bih khi-rrij ‘in-da al-ta-kha-rruj
Celebration – احتفال
Example: The celebration will take place next Friday.
Translation: الاحتفال الجمعة القادمة
Transliteration: Al-Ih-ti-fal al-jum-‘a al-qa-di-ma
Congratulations – تهاني
Example: My heartiest congratulations to my friend who graduated with honors.
Translation: تهاني الحارة الى صديقي الذي تخرَّج بامتياز
Transliteration: Ta-ha-ni-ya al-ha-rra i-la sa-di-qi al-la-thi ta-kha-rra-ja bi-im-ti-yaz
Education – علم
Example: The value of education is immeasurable.
Translation: قيمة العلم لا تُقاس
Transliteration: Qi-mat al-‘i-lim la tu-qas
Family – عائلة
Example: Ahmad’s family came from Jordan to attend his graduation.
Translation: عائلة أحمد جاءت من الاردن لحضور تخرُّجه
Transliteration: ‘a-i-lat Ah-mad ja-’at min al-ur-dun li-hu-dur ta-kha-rru-ji-hi
Gown – ثوب
Example: My friend paid $100 for his graduation gown.
Translation: دفع صديقي مئة دولار ثمن ثوب التخرُّج
Transliteration: Da-fa-‘a sa-di-qi mi-’at du-lar tha-man thawb al-ta-kha-rruj
University and Commencement –جامعة وحفلة تخرُّج
Example: Ten thousand individuals partook in the university commencement.
Translation: عشرة الآف شخص شاركوا بحفلة تخرُّج الجامعة
Transliteration: ‘a-sha-rat aa-laf sha-khis sha-ra-ku bi-haf-lat ta-kha-rruj al-ja-mi-‘a
Valedictorian –متفوِّق
Example: Mariam was chosen as her class valedictorian.
Translation: اختيرت مريم الطالبة المتفوِّقة في صفها
Transliteration: Ikh-ti-rat Mar-yam al-ta-li-ba al-mu-ta-fa-wi-qa fi sa-fi-ha
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد

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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.