Listening, 1 minute News Posted by aziza on Nov 26, 2017 in Arabic Language, Vocabulary
In this post, I present a very brief and interesting listening comprehension exercise. The news report below summarizes the day news in just one minute. Listen to the news headlines and answer the questions that follow.
Use the vocabulary list at the end to help with your comprehension.
Answer the following questions in Arabic:
أين يطلق العراق آخر عملياته العسكرية، ولماذا؟
كيف تعمّق الخطوط الجوية الصينية عزلة كوريا الشمالية؟
من الذي سرق بيانات 57 مليوناً من مستخدمي أوبر؟
Answer the following questions in English:
How much did Ober pay in ransom?
What is the scandal that Apple faces?
When is Galaxy S9 coming?
Useful Vocabulary:
يطلق = launch
عمليات عسكرية = Military operations
قضاء على = Eliminate
تطهير = cleansing
عزلة = isolation
تعليق = Suspension
قراصنة = Pirates
بيانات = data
اختراق = break into
قاعدة بيانات = database
فدية = ransom
الإفصاح = disclose
فضيحة = scandal
أنباء = news
تقارير = reports
تشغيل = employing
تجميع = assembling
الهاتف = phone
Come back again soon to check out the answers and read the transcription of the news report.

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