Watch the video and answer the following questions using the information provided.
Use the useful vocabulary given at the end of the post
1- What is the source of the news? What is the title of the news story?
2- Where was the seminar held, and what is its subject?
3- How many research papers are discussed in the seminar?
4- What is the story told by the moderator of the session, and what will happen in the seminar as a result?
5- What did the female activists call for?
Useful Vocabulary:
صحيفة = newspaper
العنوان = title
يطالبُ = demand
حماية = protection
عنفِ = violence
حقوقِ الإنسان = human rights
جلسةٍ = session
العنفِ الأسري = domestic violence
لم يقتصر على = is not restricted to
ملتقى = meeting/seminar
الحدُ من = reducing
المعنفين أسرياً = victims of domestic violence
ناشطاتٌ = activists
مناهضة = resisting
مؤسساتِ = institutions
المجتمع = society
Come back again tomorrow for the transcription and answers.