Mahraganaat Music أغاني المهرجانات – Part 3 Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Feb 21, 2022 in Arabic Language, comprehension, Culture, Music, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Welcome to the last part of this blog post series Mahraganaat Music. Last week, we started studying the lyrics of a specific example of this type music; a song called: إنتِ قلبي you’re my heart that is performed by Omar Kamaal & Shaima Al-Maghrabi. The 2nd half of the lyrics, in Arabic & English, are provided below.
Here’s the video clip.. Listen & Enjoy اِسْمَعْ وَاِسْتَمْتِعْ! 

*Check the beginning of the lyrics provided in the previous post.
كل حاجه فيك قمر
Everything about you is moon(-like)
قلبي نال بعد ما صبر
My heart received (was rewarded) after it was patient
لما أجيب من الدنيا آخري
When I feel I’ve had it up to here (from life)
ضحكتك تديني باور
Your laugh gives me power
ليك كاريزما معينه
You have a specific charisma
إنتَ حاجه مش ممكنه
You’re something that is not possible
مهما شُفت شايفاك بقلبي
No matter what I saw, I’m seeing you with my heart
مش بحب غيرك أنا
I’m not loving anyone but you
= = = = = = = =
متيجي لحظه جنبي
come on for a moment next to me
وتخش قلبي
and you enter my heart
ده إنتَ اللي شاغل البال
You are the who is my mind busy with
حبيبي بس إنتَ
You’re my only beloved one
مين غيرك إنتَ
who else but you?
فلته وعاجبني يا غزال
You bright one, and I like you, ghazaal (pretty)
مافيش بُعد
There is no distance (seperation)
وعد لو برق رعد
A promise, whether it’s lightning or thunder
هفضل معاك مهما طال
I will stay with you, no matter how long
يا نور عيني
Oh the light of my eye
ياللي شمسي وضلي قمري
who is my sun, shade, and moon
وجمالِك خيال
and your beauty is a fantasy
= = = = = = = =
غِيري مني وولعي
Get jealous of me, and blow up
صعب جدا تلمعي
It’s very difficult that you shine
استحاله تقابلي ستِّك
It’s impossible to meet your lady
إنتِ آخرك تسمعي
the highest you can get is that you hear (about her)
كل “استوريهاتك” كدا
All of your stories are like this
مني ليه متنكّده
Why are you depressed because of me?
اهدي حبّه
Calm down a bit
لتطّبي ساكته
or you’d fall dead
متعمليش في نفسك كدا
Don’t do this to yourself
= = = = = = = =
وقول للي سابنا
and tell that who left us
فراقك عجبنا
we liked your breakup1(i.e. we’re glad you left)
بعدك كسبنا نفسينا
After you, we got ourselves back
فما يجيش يزن
so he (better not) doesn’t come nagging
يفضل يرن
and keeps ringing
هنحنّ للي يراعينا
we’ll miss that who is considerate with us
يا ناكر جميلنا
Oh you ungrateful
بكره هتجيلنا
tomorrow, you will come back to us
هنقولك: امشي هوينا
We’ll tell you: go away, get lost2a slang term that literally means: ‘let us get some air’
غيرك خد مكانك
another took your place
انتهي زمانك
your time ended
الجاي مش ليك، ده لينا
what’s coming is not for you, it’s (this is) for us
= = = = = = = =
- 1(i.e. we’re glad you left)
- 2a slang term that literally means: ‘let us get some air’

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