Arabic Language Blog

Reading comprehension – Islamic State Posted by on Oct 26, 2014

In this post, I present a reading comprehension exercise that builds on the listening comprehension exercise I presented earlier. It is adapted from بالتفاصيل والأرقام.. التحالف الدولي بمواجهة داعش في الحرب على الإرهاب اليوم يمكن القول إن هناك جبهة دولية – عربية تقاطعت مع عدو مشترك أفضى ذلك إلى تحالف أكثر من 40 دولة…

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Have you Heard About the Latest Film Festival in Lebanon? Posted by on Oct 25, 2014

Marhaba! Do you like films? Well I certainly do and they’re a type of expressive and visual art. Well obviously, different genres require different scripts, actors/actresses, and scene locations, but every movie has a certain message. Personally I like old classics, such as Casablanca or Gone with the Wind, and action movies, comedies, thrillers, and…

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Aubergine slices with cheese Posted by on Oct 24, 2014

I am a big fan of aubergine (باذنجان). I love it in many different ways, and here is one way of cooking aubergines! Ingredients: 1 large aubergine Tomato sauce Garlic Grated mozzarella cheese Grated cheddar cheese Olive oil   المقادير: باذنجانة كبيرة صلصة طماطم ثوم جبنة موزاريلا مبشورة جبنة شيدر مبشورة زيت Preparation: Slice the…

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Reading Comprehension Answers: The Nile Posted by on Oct 23, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic fans! How was the last reading exercise? Here, I present the answers to the Reading Comprehension Exercise; “The Nile”. To view the exercise again, click here. الإجـــَــــابـــَــــات Questions أطــْــوَل نــَــهــْـــر فــِــى الــعــَــالــَــم هــُــوَ نــَــهــْــر الأمــَــازون .      1) The longest river in the world is the Amazon River. ثــَــانــِــىَ أطــْــوَل نــَــهــْـــر…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: The Nile Posted by on Oct 22, 2014

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:       يــُــعــْــتــَــبــَــر نــَــهــْـــرُ الــنــِّــيــلِ ثــَـــانــِــىَ أطــْـــوَل أنــْـــهــَـــار الــعــَـــالــَـــم بــَـــعــْــد نــَـــهــْــر الأمــَـــازون الــذي يــَـــأتــِـــى فــِــى الــمــَــرْكــَـــز الأول . و يــَــشــُــقُّ الــنــِّــيــلُ أرْضَ مــِــصــْــرَ مــِــنَ الــجــَــنــُـــوبِ إلــِــى الــشــَّــمــَـــالِ لــِــيــَــتــَـــفــَــرَّعَ إلــِــى فــَــرْعــَــيــْــنِ عــِــنــْــدَ مــَــديــنــَـــةِ الــقــَــاهــِـــرَة يــَــصــُــبــَّـــانِ فــِــى الــبــَــحــْــرِ الــمــُــتــَــوَّســِّـــط هــُــمــَــا فــَــرْعُ…

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Honey Apple Cinnamon Snack Posted by on Oct 22, 2014

Marhaba! The beautiful Fall season is in full swing! I hope you had the chance to witness some of nature’s changing beauty. Today, I am going to share a very easy Fall recipe that my wife and I use every. Although you can prepare this anytime of the year, I just feel that it tastes…

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Listening Comprehension – Islamic State – facts – answer Posted by on Oct 20, 2014

In this post, I present the answer of the listening comprehension exercise published yesterday about the Islamic State (داعش).The exercise is based on a news report published by   Questions and Answers: 1- What is the area controlled by the Islamic State? The Islamic States controls more than 40,000 square kilometers, equal to the…

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