Arabic Language Blog

Reading Comprehension exercise Posted by on May 25, 2014

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary at the bottom of the post to assist your comprehension.   شكسبير “أهم أيقونة ثقافية” بريطانية في الخارج يعتبر الأديب وليم شكسبير أهم أيقونة ثقافية لبريطانيا، بحسب استطلاع عالمي جديد نشر بمناسبة عيد ميلاده الـ450. وكان المطلوب من المشاركين…

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Arabic Translation Answer: An Idea Posted by on May 24, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic fans! Here is the English translation of the article “An Idea فــِــكــْــرة” by Mustafa Amin. For more information about Mustafa Amin, please check our blogs about him(part 1 and Part 2). Also, to view the article in Arabic, kindly refer to our previous post Fikrah فــِــكــْــرَة . I hope you will…

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Arabic Translation Exercise: An Idea Posted by on May 23, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a translation exercise. We are going to read a short article by one of the famous Arab writers. The article will be in Arabic and you are going to test your Arabic reading skill and translate the article into English. Of course I will post the…

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Mustafa Amin (1914 – 1997) Part 2 Posted by on May 21, 2014

     In part 1, we talked about the early life of the famous Egyptian journalist; Mustafa Amin. We have already known that he managed to fulfill his life-long dream of possessing his own newspaper which is Akhbar Al-Youm أخــْـــبــَـــار الــيــُـــوم . That dream came true in 1944.      After Amin’s foundation of Akhbar…

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The Egyptian Cinderella Posted by on May 21, 2014

Soad Hosny (سعاد حسني) was an Egyptian actress and singer born in Cairo on the 26th of January 1943.  She was known as the “Cinderella of Egyptian cinema” and one of the most influential actresses in the Middle East. She ascended to stardom in the end of the 1950s, performing in more than 83 films…

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Mustafa Amin (1914 – 1997) Part 1 Posted by on May 20, 2014

     Today, I am going to tell you about a very famous and influencing figure in the Egyptian social and media life. Mustafa Amin مــُـــصــْــطــَــفــى أمــِـــيــن was an Egyptian writer and journalist. He loved journalism more than anything else. He and his twin brother Ali Amin عــلـى أمــِـــيــنare the founders of Akhbar Al-Youm أخــْـــبــَـــار…

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Listening Comprehension, current news – answers Posted by on May 19, 2014

In this post, I present the answer of the listening comprehension exercise presented in my previous post, and the transcription of the news story.   Questions and Answers: How many soldiers did the Algerian Ministry of Defence deploy? Forty thousand soldiers were deployed.   Why was this action taken? In response to information that an…

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