Arabic Language Blog

Sing with Fairouz: Jingle Bells in Arabic! Posted by on Dec 19, 2013

Marhaba! I know that many of you adore Fairouz’s beautiful songs. As you all know already, Fairouz is one of my favorite Arab artists and her voice is incomparable. She remains one of the most revered and admired musicians in the Arab world and beyond. Today, and given the fact that Christmas is around the…

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The World Mourns: Goodbye Nelson Mandela-Part 2 Posted by on Dec 8, 2013

Marhaba! To this very moment, millions are still showing their respect to the great Nelson Mandela through different social media outlets, such as Twitter and Facebook. I am confident you found the video in the previous post interesting. Such news videos allow you to get immersed in an Arabic conversation. I am certain you have…

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The World Mourns: Goodbye Nelson Mandela Posted by on Dec 6, 2013

Marhaba! Yesterday, the world lost a great figure. The world lost Nelson Mandela, a pioneer of freedom, equality, and justice. The world lost such an important individual that in fact had the ability to make the world a better place. Millions of people around the world are mourning and are taking to different social media…

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Pause and Enjoy Every Moment of Your Life Posted by on Nov 18, 2013

Marhaba! In a previous post I introduced you all to the beautiful poetry of the late Mahmoud Darwish. I shared his famous poem “To My Mother,” which the accomplished oud player Marcel Khalife made into a beautiful song. Today, I am sharing another beautiful poem by Darwish called لا شيء يعجبني which literally means Nothing…

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Would you Buy Shares at Twitter? – Answers Posted by on Nov 9, 2013

Marhaba! I hope you found the video in the previous post interesting. Such news videos allow you to get immersed in an Arabic conversation. I am confident you have all worked hard to answer the questions. In this post, I would like to present you with the answers. I reiterate that listening comprehension exercises are…

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Would you Buy Shares at Twitter? Posted by on Nov 8, 2013

Marhaba! Today, I am sharing a video from Al Arabiya news station that discusses how Twitter, the social networking company prepares to go public and sell shares. Similar to what Facebook did in May 2012, Twitter is following the same financial strategy. Today I have decided to provide you with a listening comprehension exercise. After…

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Reading Comprehension Answers: World Teachers’ Day Posted by on Oct 30, 2013

Here are the answers to the reading comprehension exercise about the World Teachers’ Day. To view the exercise again, click here. تـــَـــتـــَـــحــَــــدَّثْ الــقــِـــطـــْـــعــَــــةُ عــَــنْ الــيــَـــوم الــعــَــالــمــىّ لـِــلــمــُــعــَـــلـــِّــمــيــن      1)  The passage talks about the World Teachers’ Day. تـــَـــأثـــِـــيــــرُ الــمــُـــعـــَــــلـــِّـــمــيــنَ عــَــلــى الأطـــْـــفــَــــالِ : الــمــُــعــَـــلـــّــمــُـــونَ هــُـــمْ أحــَــدِ الــعــَـــوَامـــِـــلِ الـتِـي تــُـــبــْـــقــِــي الأطــْـــفــَـــالَ فـِــي مــَـــدَارسـِــهــِــم وتــُــؤَثـــِّــــرُ فـِــي عــَــمــَـــلــِــيــَّـــةِ الــتــَّـــعــَـــلــُّـــمِ…

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