Arabic Language Blog

3 Smart Tips to Pick Up Arabic Quickly Posted by on Aug 26, 2013

Marhaba! In this post, I would like to discuss 3 smart and easy ways for you to pick up Arabic quickly. I want to thank a close friend of mine who brought up this idea a couple of times over the last couple of months. She is learning Arabic and constantly asks me about different…

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Learn the Lebanese Way to Cook A Hot Spicy Fish Dish Posted by on Aug 17, 2013

Marhaba! Today, I am going to teach you how to cook Samkeh Harra (سمكة حرة) with tahini sauce (الطحينة). It is a tasty dish that is popular in the Middle East and specifically the Levant. This dish has progressed from something that required intense and long hours of preparation to becoming a dish that is…

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This is My Love.. This is My City.. (Part II) Posted by on Aug 15, 2013

Today, I am going to introduce the second half of Nizar Qabbani’s great poem “This is my Love .. This is my City..هــَـــذهِ هــِــى حــَــبــيـــبـــتـــى .. هــَـــذهِ هــِــى مـَــــديـــنــــتـــــى ”. You can see the first half of the poem Here. Nizar wrote this poem in London in the summer of 1994. I did the English…

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This is My Love.. This is My City.. (Part I) Posted by on Aug 14, 2013

      In today’s post, I am going to present one of Nizar Qabbani’s great poems. The poem is entitled “This is my Love .. This is my City.. هــَـــذهِ هــِــى حــَــبــيـــبـــتـــى .. هــَـــذهِ هــِــى مـَــــديـــنــــتـــــى ”. Nizar wrote this poem in London in the summer of 1994. The poem is a bit long, so I will…

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The Love Boat Makes its Final Voyage – Answers Posted by on Aug 13, 2013

Marhaba! I hope you found the brief article in the previous post interesting. I am confident you have all worked hard to answer the questions. In this post, I would like to present you with the answers and the translation of some key words.   Answers: 1.      ان سفينة الرحلات “باسيفيك” أبحرت في رحلتها الاخيرة…

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The Love Boat Makes its Final Voyage Posted by on Aug 11, 2013

Marhaba! I am sharing a brief article about a famous vessel called the ‘Love Boat’ that is recognizable to millions of Americans from a popular TV series in the 1970s. After presenting the article, I have some questions for you to answer. This article was published on August 8 in a Lebanese newspaper called Annahar…

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Do you know the 3 Most Common Arabic Expressions? Posted by on Aug 9, 2013

Marhaba! One of the easiest ways to learn a new language is by beginning with basic and most common expressions (عبارات شائعة). Given the fact most of these expressions are extremely short and can be used with different people across various places, I want to discuss the 3 most common Arabic expressions.  Any one of…

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