Arabic Language Blog

Ramadan in Egypt is special حاجة تانية Posted by on Apr 26, 2021 in Arabic Language, CoronaVirus, Culture, Film & Theater, Music, Ramadan, Religion, Vocabulary

Welcome to a new blog post 🙂 In this post, we’re going to study a lovely song by the amazing Emirati singer المطرب الإماراتي الرائع: Hussain Al-Jassmi حسين الجسمي. As is the case in each Ramadan, Hussain sings a special song as a way  كطريقة لِـ to celebrate للاحتفال بـ the holy month of Ramadan Crescent moon   Mosque شهر رمضان الفضيل. Similar to last Ramadan, Orange (telecom company in Egypt شركة اتصالات في مصر) utilises the unique voice  الصوت المميز of Hussain Al-Jassmi to promote a new offer for its clients لعملائها this Ramadan. The song is called: رمضان في مصر حاجة تانية Ramadan in Egypt is another thing “different”. I will provide the Egyptian Arabic lyrics, together with the English translation below.


Photo by Naomi Koelemans on Unsplash


So, why is Ramadan “special” حاجة تانية  in Egypt?

The interesting phrase in the song is the one in the title: Haaga Tanja حاجة تانية, and it literally means> something else or another thing. In many Arabic dialects, this phrase is used to describe something that is special or unique. What is meant here is that Ramadan in Egypt has a different taste له طعم مختلف from any other place in the Muslim world. This point is one that pretty much every Arab agrees on. Egypt is known by its warm and cheerful atmosphere in most days of the year, but specially in Ramadan. During Ramadan, streets are often very busy مزدحمة جدًا and lively مليئة بالنشاط, and people stay up late الناس يسهرون, gathering in cafes المقاهي and public places الأماكن العامة.


Egypt is also known specifically for 3 things that make spending Ramadan there special:


1- Lanterns الفَوَانِيسْ: These refer a specific type of lamps (see photo above) that people hang in their houses. Also, regular lamps and lights can be seen in streets.

2- Dawn Awakener “MesaHHarAaty” المسحراتي: This refers to a man (drummer) who roams streets and calls people to wake up for Suhoor السحور by stopping in front of their houses and calling their names. This habit is pretty much gone now.

3- Tables of the most Merciful مَوَائِدْ الرَّحْمَنْ: an initiative مبادرة organised by (rich) people where food is served in streets around Iftaar time في وقت الإفطار in order to support the poor الفقراء, and passengers/ passersby عابري السبيل who won’t be able to break their fast at home.

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let’s move on to the song 😉



:كلمات الأغنية

The Lyrics:



رمضان في مصر حاجة تانية

Ramadan in Egypt is special 

والسر في التفاصيل

And the secret is in the details

رمضان في مصر غير الدنيا

Ramadan in Egypt is different from the rest of the world

طعمه بطعم النيل

Its taste is like the Nile river


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في كل حتة بنتمشى

In every corner, we take a walk

فوانيس وزينة في الشارع

Lanterns and decorations on the street

صوت الأذان يدخل قلبك

The sound of the call to prayer enters your heart

ونصلي تراويح في الجامع

And we pray Taraweeh in the mosque


= = = = = =


بالليل بتحلو القعده

At night, the gathering becomes sweeter

طاولة ودومانا وكوتشينة

Backgammon, Domino and Kuchina (card game)

والله زمان1A phrase used to express how much one misses old times/days، داحنا بقالنا

Oh, it’s been a while, we have been

مدة، بعيد عن بعضينا

for a long time, away from each other


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رمضان في مصر حاجة تانية

Ramadan in Egypt is special 

والسر في التفاصيل

And the secret is in the details

رمضان في مصر غير الدنيا

Ramadan in Egypt is different from the rest of the world

طعمه بطعم النيل

Its taste is like the Nile river


= = = = = =


في كل وش تلاقي ضحكة

In every face, you find joy

والناس بسيطة وفرحانه

And people are simple and happy

كل القلوب الخير فيها

All hearts have goodness in them

2An adjective used to describe homes where owners love to have people over, help them and do good to them. كل البيوت هنا عمرانه

And all the homes are full and lively


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وده كان مسافر في الغربه

And this one was travelling away/ abroad

وخد اجازته هنا معانا

And he took his vacation here with us

رمضان تملّي مقربنا

Ramadan is always bringing us together

اللمه دي كانت واحشانا

This gathering, we have been missing


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كان واحشنا رمضان

Ramadan was missed by us

كان واحشنا بكل تفاصيله

We missed all its details

وبقربنا لبعضنا

and our closeness to each other

في أي حتة في مصر

In every corner in Egypt

أورانج بتقرّبك

Orange brings you closer


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  • 1
    A phrase used to express how much one misses old times/days
  • 2
    An adjective used to describe homes where owners love to have people over, help them and do good to them.
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About the Author: Hanan Ben Nafa

Hi, this is Hanan :) I'm an Arabic linguist. I completed my PhD in Linguistics - 2018. My PhD thesis was entitled Code-switching as an evaluative strategy: identity construction among Arabic-English bilinguals. I'm also a qualified public service translator & interpreter.