Sing with Asmahan: When Will You Realize? Posted by jesa on Sep 23, 2017 in Arabic Language, Culture, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Marhaba! I have realized how much you all enjoyed listening to the great singer Asmahan. I personally love to listen to her in the evenings, because her voice transports me to another era and reminds me of Syrian and Egyptian night life of the 1930s and 1940s.
Today, I am sharing with you one of her songs When Will You Realize (إمتى حتعرف؟), which along with Come My Darling (يا حبيبي تعالا), is another classic from her repertoire and more the era. This particular song belonged to Asmahan’s final film, Love and Revenge (غرام وانتقام) that was not even completed when she passed away in 1944. I have provided a translation of the lyrics as well as a video accompaniment to the song from the film itself. I hope you enjoy listening to the great and beautiful Asmahan.
Asmahan – أسمهان
When Will You Realize?إمتى حتعرف؟ –
إمتى حتعرف إمتى
When will you realize, when,
إنّي بحبّك إمتى
That I love you? When?
إمتى حتعرف
When will you realize?
إمتى إمتى إمتى
When, when, when,
إمتى حتعرف
When will you realize?
بناجي طيفك
I call upon your shadow
واتمنى أشوفك
And wish to see you
لا يوم عطفتِ عليّ
Not one day were you kind to me
ولا انتَ سائل فيَّ
Nor do you bother to ask about me
وِلإمتى حَتحيّر بالي
And for how long will you keep my mind confused,
وتزوّد همّي
And add to my troubles?
ياللي غرامك في خيالي
Oh your love is in my thoughts,
وفروحي ودمي
And in my soul and my blood
إمتى حتعرف إمتى
When will you realize, when?
إنّي بحبّك إمتى
That I love you, when?
فضلت اخبّي حبك
I kept hiding my love for you
حبك بقلبي حبّك
My love for you, in my heart.. your love
واصبّره و اواسيه
And I kept consoling it and encouraging it to be patient
والنار بترعى فيه
When the fire [of your love] is running riot in it
وخفت أقللك على حالي
And I was too scared to tell you of how things are with me
واشرح لك حبي
And to explain to you my love,
ليكون فؤادك مش داري
Because it might be that your heart is unaware
وتعذّب قلبي
And that you would torture my heart
ياللي غرامك في خيالي
Oh your love is in my thoughts,
وبروحي ودمي
And in my soul and my blood
إمتى حتعرف إمتى
When will you realize, when?
إنّي بحبّك إمتى
That I love you, when?
خلتني أحبك
You made me love you
واتمنى قربك
And wish to be near you
اسعدني يوم بلقاك
Make me happy one day and come by
ترحمني فيه برضاك
In that day, you’d be merciful upon me by being content with me
وتدوق غرامي اللي شرحته
And you’d taste my love that I’ve explained to you
أنا لك بعنيا
I would give my eyes for you
ليكون فؤادك مش خالي
Oh I fear your heart might not be free
وتعذّب قلبي
And that you might torture my heart
يللي غرامك في خيالي
Oh your love is in my thoughts,
وفروحي ودمي
And in my soul and my blood
إمتى حتعرف إمتى
When will you realize, when?
إنّي بحبّك إمتى
That I love you, when?
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد

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Luv, luv, luv this song and Ismahan!!!! Shokran!
@Stacey Hi Stacey, Glad to hear that!