Somalia Market Listening Posted by aziza on Mar 26, 2017 in Culture, Vocabulary
Listen to the news story on Somalia Market in Dubai and answer the questions that follow.
You can use the vocabulary items provided to support your comprehension
Answer the following questions in English:
What sort of businesses you can find in Somalia Market?
How is the market described?
Where is the market located?
What does the marked indicate?
Why did most sellers come to Dubai?
Useful Vocabulary:
محال = shops
الذهب = gold
القماش = cloth
مقاه = cafes
فنادق = hotels
استيراد = import
تصدير = export
مكتظ = crowded
باعة = sellers
جنسية = nationality
ضواحي = suburbs
التبادل التجاري = trade exchange
فر = fled
الحرب = war
بحثًا عن = looking for
لقمة العيش = living
Come back again soon to check your answers and read the transcription of the story.

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