Syrian Falafel Posted by aziza on Mar 24, 2017 in Culture, Vocabulary
In a previous post, I presented the recipe for falafel, the Egyptian way. In this post, I present the recipe for Syrian falafel.
The main difference is that Egyptian falafel is made with beans only, while Syrian falafel has a mixture of beans and chickpeas.
Please find the recipes below and follow the useful video for preparation steps.
650 غ فول مجروش مقشور
350 غ حمص
1 ملعقة كبيرة كزبرة يابسة
1 ملعقة كبيرة ثوم فريش
1 ملعقة كبيرة ثوم بودرة
1 ملعقة كبيرة ونصف كمون
1 ملعقة كبيرة مسح كربونة
1 ملعقة كبيرة ملح
بصلة صغيرة
1 ملعقة صغيرة فلفل ابيض
650 g Crushed Peeled Dried Beans
350 g Chick peas
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 tablespoon fresh garlic
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon and a half cumin
1 tablespoon of bicarbonate soda
1 tbsp salt
1 small onion
1 teaspoon white pepper

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Strictly speaking there is no such thing as Egyptian falafel. First off it’s called ta3miyya, and secondly it’s made from fava beans. The concept is the same though.
@Ninujan There is Egyptian Falafel, of course! I am Egyptian and I have had Egyptian falafel all my life. Ta3amiyya is another way of saying falafel in certain places like Cairo and the Delta.