Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: arabic crossword puzzles

Learn the 10 Most Common Words about War in Arabic Posted by on Feb 23, 2016

Marhaba! Though I always try to stay positive about developments in the Middle East, especially the Arab world, it seems clear to almost anyone around the globe that wars, devastation, economic and sociopolitical hardships, bloody revolutions, and gory protests are common, largely unfortunate, aspects of this region. Be it from foreign occupation, intervention, colonialism, or…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Peace in Arabic (2) Posted by on Jan 31, 2016

Marhaba! Hope you all refreshed your memory and/or learned something new from the previous post on the 10 most common words about peace in Arabic. I am confident you all enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post I am sharing the answers to the Arabic crossword puzzle and some examples of how you can…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Peace in Arabic Posted by on Jan 26, 2016

Marhaba! There is always so much talk about war and peace in the Middle East, especially in the Arab world. Be it from the never-ending Palestinian-Israeli conflict to the numerous Arab-Israeli wars as well as civil wars in different countries, it seems clear that a large number of Arabs rarely encounter times of peace. Today…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Feelings in Arabic (2) Posted by on Dec 19, 2015

Marhaba! Hope you all enjoyed solving the fun and stimulating Arabic crossword puzzle on feelings! In this post I am sharing the answers to the Arabic crossword puzzle and some examples of how you can use these words in a sentence. I have also transliterated and translated every example so that you can learn how…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Feelings in Arabic Posted by on Dec 15, 2015

Marhaba! In the past I have shared you with common expressions about love, anger, and kindness as well as swear words in Arabic. We sometimes have beautiful things to say and at other times nastier things to utter. Sometimes we are on the giving end and occasionally on the receiving side. Today, I am sharing…

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Learn the 13 Spookiest Words about Halloween in Arabic (2) Posted by on Oct 31, 2015

Marhaba! Hope you all enjoyed solving the fun and interesting Arabic crossword puzzle on Halloween! You might be wondering why I chose 13 spookiest words and not 10 or 12 or any other number? The simple answer is that number 13 is a lucky number to some but an unlucky to others. So, in order…

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Learn the 13 Spookiest Words about Halloween in Arabic Posted by on Oct 27, 2015

Marhaba! In the past I have shared how many Arabs, especially in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, celebrate Halloween every year! It’s a fun celebration rooted to some in pagan rituals and to others in religious ones. All in all, it’s that time of the year where supermarkets in North America and Europe (and some places…

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