Tag Archives: examples
Tricky Prepositions Posted by aziza on Sep 24, 2018

Prepositions can be a very tricky aspect of learning a foreign language. Often, we find correspondence between languages in the basic meaning and usage of certain prepositions, e.g. in Arabic (في) usually translates into (in) in English and (على) usually translates into (on) in English. However, this is not always the case, as there are…
Active and Passive in Arabic: Practice and Examples Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Jul 31, 2018

In the previous post, you learned about the passive voice المَبْنِي لِلْمَجْهُول in Arabic, and how an active مَعْلُوم sentence is changed into passive مَجْهُول. Besides leaving some words out from the active sentence, verbal internal (i.e. non-final) diacritical marks or short vowels must change. This is essentially the most obvious change in verb forms…
The Arabic Nominal Sentence: Review and Examples Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Mar 20, 2018

In an earlier post, you learned that the nominal sentence الجُمْلَة الاِسْمِيَّة starts with a noun اِسْم which constitutes its first part and is called the subject/topic المُبْتَدَأ, and the its second part is called the predicate الخَبَر. You also learned that the مُبْتَدَأ must be a definite noun مَعْرَفَة. Besides, it was pointed out…
Arabic Prepositions 5 Posted by aziza on Nov 28, 2016
Arabic Prepositions (حروف الجر) are an interesting and a challenging topic for learners of Arabic. When I mark students’ essays, I notice many mistakes with prepositions. In this post, I highlight the meanings and usage of three of the Arabic prepositions; give examples and some exercises on the selected prepositions. مذ / منذ both mean…
Arabic Prepositions 3 Posted by aziza on Nov 21, 2016
Arabic Prepositions (حروف الجر) are an interesting and a challenging topic for learners of Arabic. When I mark students’ essays, I notice many mistakes with prepositions. In this post, I highlight the meanings and usage of two of the Arabic prepositions; give examples and some exercises on the selected prepositions. على means on/over…
Arabic Prepositions1 Posted by aziza on Nov 14, 2016
Arabic Prepositions (حروف الجر) are an interesting and a challenging topic for learners of Arabic. When I mark students’ essays, I notice many mistakes with prepositions. In this post, I highlight the meanings and usage of two of the Arabic prepositions; give examples and some exercises on the selected prepositions. عن has a number of…
Arabic Prepositions Posted by aziza on Nov 11, 2016
Arabic Prepositions (حروف الجر) are an interesting and a challenging topic for learners of Arabic. When I mark students’’ essays, I notice many mistakes with prepositions. In this post, I highlight the meanings and usage of three of the Arabic prepositions; give examples and some exercises on the selected prepositions. مِنَ (from) indicates the starting…