The Arabic Nominal Sentence: Review and Examples Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Mar 20, 2018 in Grammar, Vocabulary
In an earlier post, you learned that the nominal sentence الجُمْلَة الاِسْمِيَّة starts with a noun اِسْم which constitutes its first part and is called the subject/topic المُبْتَدَأ, and the its second part is called the predicate الخَبَر. You also learned that the مُبْتَدَأ must be a definite noun مَعْرَفَة. Besides, it was pointed out that the مُبْتَدَأ can be indefinite نَكِرَة, and that a sentence can have more than one مُبْتَدَأ. In another post, you learned that the خَبَر can be of three types, a single noun مُفْرَد, a semi-sentence شِبْه جُمْلَة, a verbal sentence جُمْلَة فِعْلِيَّة, or a nominal sentence جُمْلَة اِسْمِيَّة. This post provides contextual examples of all these in addition to practice examples.
Text (1) is about “My Room”
In Text (1), the subject/topic مُبْتَدَأ is highlighted in orange. It is always definite مَعْرِفَة and is one of three types: مُفْرَد a single (not singular) noun, إِضَافَة genitive construction, or ضَمِيْر a pronoun. Here are examples for each:
- مُفْرَد (single definite noun): السَّرِيْر، الكُرْسِي، المِرْحَاض، السُّكَّر
- إِضَافَة (genitive construction): غُرْفَتِي، خِزَانَة المَلابِس، أَدَوَاتُ المَطْبَخ
- ضَمِيْر (pronoun): أَنَا
Text (2) is about “My Family’s House”
In Text (2), the predicate خَبَر is highlighted in blue. It is one of four types: مُفْرَد a single noun and it should be indefinite نَكِرَة; شِبْهُ جُمْلَة a semi-sentence (preposition + a noun); جُمْلَة فِعْلِيَّة a verbal sentence; or جُمْلَة اِسْمِيَّة a nominal sentence. Here are examples for each form the text:
- مُفْرَد (a single indefinite noun): طَبِيْب، صَغِيْرَة، كَبِيْرَة، شَمْسِيَّة
- شِبْهُ جُمْلَة (a semi-sentence): فِي البَيْت، فِي أُسْرَتِي، وَسَطَ الغُرْفَة، هُنَاك
- جُمْلَة فِعْلِيَّة (a verbal sentence): يَعْمَلُ فِي مُستَشْفَى، أَعْمَلُ فِي شَرِكَة، نُحِبُّ بَيْتَنَا
- جُمْلَة اِسْمِيَّة (a nominal sentence): اِسْمُها رِيْم، لَوْنُهُ وَرْدِي، شَاشَتُهُ كَبِيْرَة
Here is a list of all the words in the two texts with their English meanings:
أَبِي |
My father |
جَدِيْدَة |
New (f) |
ضَيِّقَة |
Narrow |
مَدْخَنَة |
Chimney |
أبْيَض |
White |
جَمِيْل |
Pretty (m) |
طَالِبَة |
Student (f) |
مَدْرَسَة |
School |
أَثَاثُها |
Its furniture |
جَمِيْلَة |
Pretty (f) |
طَاوِلَة |
Table |
مُدَرِّسَة |
Teacher |
أُخْتِي |
My sister |
جَنْب |
Near |
طَبْخ |
cooking |
مِرْآة |
mirror |
أَدَوَات |
Tools |
جَيِّدَة |
Good (f) |
طَبِيْبٌ |
Doctor |
مُرَتَّب |
tidy |
أُذَاكِرُ |
I study |
حَدِيْد |
Metal |
طَوِيْلَة |
Tall (f) |
مِرْحَاض |
Toilet |
أَرْبَعَةُ |
Four |
حَسَن |
Hassan* |
عُلْبَة |
Can |
مِرْوَحَة |
Fan |
أُسْرَتِي |
My family |
حَقِيْبَة |
bag |
عَلَى |
On |
مُرِيح |
comfortable |
اِسْمُهُ |
His name |
حَمَّامٌ |
Bath |
غُرَف |
Rooms |
مُسْتَشْفَى |
Hospital |
اِسْمُها |
Her name |
حَوْض |
Bathtub |
غُرْفَةُ |
Room |
مَطْبَخٌ |
Kitchen |
اِسْمِي |
My name |
حَوْلَ |
Around |
غُرْفَتِي |
My room |
مُظْلِمَة |
Dark |
أَشْخَاصٍ |
Persons |
خِزَانَةُ |
Cupboard |
غَسَّالَة |
Wash-dryer |
مِعْلاق |
Hanger |
أَعْمَلُ |
I work |
خَلْف |
Behind |
فِرَاشُ |
Mattress |
مَغْسَلة |
sink |
أَمَام |
In front of |
دَاخِل |
Inside |
فُرْن |
Oven |
مَكْتَبَة |
Library |
أُمِّي |
My mother |
دَائِمًا |
Always |
فَوْقَ |
On |
مَلابِسِ |
clothes |
أَنَا |
I |
دُرْج |
Drawer |
فِي |
In |
مَلَابِسِي |
My clothes |
بَاب |
door |
الرُّز |
Rice |
فِيْهِ |
In it (m) |
مِنْ |
From/of |
بَابُها |
Its door |
الرَّف |
Shelve |
فِيْها |
In it (f) |
مُنَاسِبَة |
Suitable |
بِجَانِب |
Next to |
رَيْم |
Reem* |
قَدِيم |
Old |
مُهَنْدِس |
Engineer |
بَجِوَار |
Next to |
زُجَاج |
Glass |
كَبِيْرة |
Big (f) |
نَاعِم |
Soft |
بطَّانِيَة |
blanket |
سَخَّانَة |
heater |
كَثِيْرًا |
Much |
نَافِذَة |
window |
بُهَارَات |
spices |
سَرِيْر |
bed |
كَرَاسِي |
Chairs |
نَافِذَتُهُ |
Its window (m) |
بَيْتُ |
House |
سَقْف |
ceiling |
كُرسِيٌ |
Chair |
نَافِذتُها |
It window (f) |
بَيْتَنَا |
Our house |
سُكَّر |
sugar |
كَنَبَة |
Sofa |
نُحِبُّ |
We like |
تَحَتَ |
Under |
شَاشَتُهُ |
Its screen |
كِيْس |
Sack |
نَحْنُ |
We |
تَدْرُسُ |
She studies |
شَذَى |
Shadha* |
لأَنَّ |
Because |
نَظِيْف |
Clean |
تُدَّرِسُ |
She teaches |
شَرِكَة |
Company |
لِذَلِك |
So |
هُنَاك |
There’s |
تِلْفَاز |
TV |
شَمْسِيَّة |
Solar |
لَكِنَّ |
But |
هُوَ |
He |
ثَلاَثُ |
Three |
صَالَةٌ |
Hall |
لَكِنَّهَا |
But it |
هِيَ |
She |
الثَّلاجَةَ |
Fridge |
صَالِح |
Saleh* |
لوْنُهُ |
Its color |
وَاسِعَة |
Spacious |
جَامِعَة |
University |
صَغِيْر |
Small (m) |
مَائِدَة |
Table |
وَرَاءَ |
Behind |
جِدَار |
wall |
صَغِيْرة |
Small (f) |
مِخَدَّة |
Pillow |
وَرْدِي |
Rosy |
جَدِيْد |
New |
وَسَطَ |
Mid | ||||
يَعْمَل |
He works | ||||||
(m): male | (f): female | * name |

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