Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: recipes

Roast Lamb Leg with potatoes Posted by on Sep 12, 2016

Happy Eid! Usually in Eid Al-Adha we have a lot of meat. Last year, I cooked fatta in the first day of the Eid, and I shared the recipe with you! Today, I am cooking a lamb leg in the oven. I follow the recipe in Daisy’s Kitchen! I have tried it before and it…

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Chicken Shawarma in the oven Posted by on Aug 14, 2016

I tried this recipe of chicken shawarma, and I found it fantastic. I recommend that you try it. If you don’t have all the spices, use the ones you have. I have tried it with various spices and I loved the result in all instances. Follow the video and read the ingredients below and enjoy!…

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Peas with Carrots Posted by on May 27, 2016

This is a very common dish in Egypt. It is very easy to make and it is vegetarian, but you can have it with meat or chicken if you like. Ingredients: 1 chopped onion Peas Diced carrots Tomato sauce Salt Pepper Oil Method Fry the chopped onion in a little oil until golden in color…

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Indulge Yourself in This Perfect Autumn Salad Posted by on Oct 24, 2015

Marhaba! Do you love Autumn? Well, I do. I always love Autumn recipes. Whether it is preparing pumpkin Kibbeh, pumpkin soup or a dozen other dishes, I enjoy cooking from different Autumn recipes. Today I am sharing a recipe that my wife and I use almost twice a week every single year during Autumn. We…

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Kofta BBQ Posted by on Oct 16, 2015

This is a very easy and yummy dish. If you do not wish to have a BBQ soon, you can cook it in the oven grill instead. الكفته المشوية على الفحم المقادير كيلو لحمه مفرومه بصله متوسطه مبشوره عصير بصله ملعقه صغيره بيكنج بود ٢ ملعقه كبيره برغل منقوع و مصفي ملعقه كبيره صلصة الباربيكيو…

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Go Bananas for this Recipe! Posted by on Aug 16, 2015

Marhaba! Do you love bananas? I certainly do! Today, I am sharing an easy and fun recipe for Banana Bread! This is quite popular in many places around the Arab world. For instance, in Lebanon, many coffee shops and restaurants sell banana bread with different flavors. Some add chocolate or vanilla to the mix. Others…

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Fried zucchini slices Posted by on Dec 12, 2014

This is very easy recipe. It takes 15 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes to cook! It is also very delicious. المقادير: ٤ كوسا مقطعة شرائح ٣ ملاعق طعام زيت زيتون ملح وفلفل أسود 2 ملعقة طعام زعتر مجفف ١/٢ كوب دقيق 2 بيضة مخفوقة ١/٢ كوب خبز مطحون الطريقة: تتبل الكوسا بالزيت، الملح، والفلفل الأسود…

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