What doesn’t the Egyptian star Amr Diab understand? Answers Posted by jesa on May 5, 2013 in Arabic Language, Culture
Marhaba! I hope you found the article in the previous post interesting and useful. I am confident you have all worked hard to answer the questions. After presenting you with the answers and the translation of some key words, I have added the full movie “Ice Cream in Glym” in form of a YouTube video in which Amr Diab is the leading and main actor. Also, given the fact I know you all love Amr Diab’s famous song Tamally Ma’ak (Always with You), I have added a YouTube video of the song performed live by Amr Diab in Dubai in 2004. Enjoy!
Answer of the Questions:
1. قلّل النجم المصري من أهمية أغنيته الشهيرة في فيلم «آيس كريم في جليم» خلال حفلة أقامها في دبي العام الماضي، معدّلاً في كلماتها.
The Egyptian star disrespected his famous song from the movie “Ice Cream in Glym” during a concert he held in Dubai last year by altering some of the song’s words
2. تتطرّق الأغنية إلى المجتمع المصري تحت تأثيرات «الانفتاح» الاقتصادي، فيما تبدو مناسبة لسينما كمشهد عريض يتناول ـــ بكلمات بسيطة ـــ مفردات النسيج المصري بشوارعه وزحامه وفقرائه وأطفاله وباعته الجوالين «الغلابة» ورجال الـ«بيزنس»
The song deals with the Egyptian society and the effects of an ‘open’ economy on it. In the cinematic movie it fits into a broad scene that reveals, in simple terms, the vocabulary of the Egyptian texture with its streets, its traffic, its paupers, its children, its peddlers and its businessmen
3. يعتبر اسم الأغنية إسقاطاً على إحدى كلاسيكيات السينما المصرية وهو فيلم المخرج نيازي مصطفى «رصيف نمرة خمسة» (1956)
The name of the song is a critical take on one of the classics of the Egyptian cinema, the film “Pier no. 5” of 1956 directed by Nayazi Mustafa
4. قدم دياب للأغنية بأنّها ذات الكلمات غير المفهومة.
Amr Diab said that the song has words that are incomprehensible, hard to understand
5. في فيلم «آيس كريم في جليم»، يرفض المغني المغمور سيف (عمرو دياب) أنّ يغني المزيد من أعمال الشاعر نور، لأنّه يريد أن يغني كلمات تعبّر عنه كشاب، بدلاً من «الحاجات اللي مش فاهمينها». المفاجأة، كما ظهرت في حفلة دبي، تكمن في أنّ موقف «المغني سيف» لم يكن موقف الشخصية فحسب، بل موقف عمرو نفسه.
In the film “Ice Cream in Glym”, the arrogant singer Seif (played by Amr Diab) refuses to sing any of the works of the poet Nour, because he wants to sing lyrics that speak more to his youth instead of “things he could not understand”. The surprise, as revealed in the Dubai concert, is that the position taken by the singer Seif was not only the position of the character itself, but also that of Amr himself
Translation of the sentence into English
Amr’s ridicule of his song is reminiscent of similar positions for other artists.
Translation of key words:
السينما الغنائية المصرية – the Egyptian musical cinema
كاتب السيناريو والحوار—script writer
المجتمع الاستهلاكي – consumer society
الجمهور – audience
سخرية – ridicule
Stay tuned for upcoming posts.
Have a nice day!
نهاركم سعيد

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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.