Chinese Language Blog

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Learn 30 Chinese Words for Drinks in 2 Minutes Posted by on Jan 23, 2014

Ok so it might take you a little longer than two minutes to remember all of these words, but this video will give you the chance to watch, listen, and repeat 30 Chinese words for drinks. Learning food and drink vocabulary is essential when studying a language, as you don’t want to be left hungry…

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Beijing Craft Beer Festival Posted by on Jan 20, 2014

While you may not think of Beijing as a craft beer loving city, think again! Microbreweries are sprouting up in the Chinese capital, and thank goodness – all of that lukewarm Tsingtao and Yanjing sure gets old after a while. Check out the scene at the 2013 installment of the Beijing Craft Beer Festival to…

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Top 10 Places in Beijing – Sanlitun and Gongti Posted by on Jan 13, 2014

We’re almost finished with our countdown of our Top 10 places in Beijing, but we still have four great spots to explore. So far, we’ve hit the student hangouts, the art district, hipster central, local parks, man-made lakes, and some of the city’s most famous landmarks. After all that, I’d say it’s time for a…

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2013 Year in Review Video (Part Two) Posted by on Jan 9, 2014

Continue along this video journey through a year of travel in 2013. Explore great American cities and national parks, and also dive in Vietnam and Cambodia. Learn useful Chinese words at the same time! 夏天 – xià tiān summer   旧金山 – jiù jīn shān San Francisco   洛杉矶 – luò shān jī Los Angeles…

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Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book Posted by on Jan 6, 2014

We’ve talked a lot about Chairman Mao over the past few months, from his birth all the way up to the Cultural Revolution. Here are the links just in case you’ve missed any of it: Birth to the PRC: Get the bullet points on Mao, from his birth to the birth of a new China…

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Chinese Character of the Year 2013 Posted by on Jan 3, 2014

There are thousands upon thousands of Chinese characters, the most interesting and frustrating aspect of this ancient language. With so many, is it possible that just one could be used to sum up the year 2013? Well, Singapore’s Chinese language newspaper, Lianhe Zaobao (联合早报 – lián hé zǎo bào), seems to think so. In fact…

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Top 10 of 2013 Posted by on Dec 31, 2013

Yet another year is coming to a close here, and while some people loathe end of the year Top 10 lists, I happen to be a huge fan of them. When I was a kid, I used to write down my Top 10 songs of the year every year, after much deliberation of course. I…

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