Chinese Language Blog

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How to Talk About Relationships in Chinese Posted by on May 7, 2013

Relationships are a crucial part of our daily life. Talking about the relationships you have with various people is an important part of studying any language. After all, you’ll often be asked the question, “Who is he/she?” when talking about other people. First of all, here’s how you can ask both of those questions in…

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Better Know a… Province (Yunnan) Posted by on May 5, 2013

We’re making our way all around the massive country of China bit by bit here in this ongoing series. Last time, we visited Shaanxi province, the home of the legendary Terracotta Army in Xi’an. The next stop is a place that I will most likely call home come next year – Yunnan (云南 – yún…

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Harbin Snow Sculpture Expo Posted by on May 3, 2013

Thanks to its freezing temperatures, Harbin can play host to an annual Snow Sculpture Expo. Artists from all over the world come to show off their talents, carving very detailed snow sculptures. Enjoy a short video tour from the comfort of your home instead of freezing your butt off there in person! 松花江 – sōng…

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Labor Day in China Posted by on Apr 30, 2013

Tomorrow is a national holiday here in China – Labor Day (劳动节 – láo dòng jié). Known more colloquially as “May Day” (五一节 – wǔ yī jié), this holiday always falls on May 1st. Actually, May 1st is International Labor Day, as it is an official holiday in over 80 countries. Until 2008, this was…

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How to Study Chinese Online For Free Posted by on Apr 26, 2013

Studying a language can be expensive, especially when you don’t have the chance to immerse yourself in it. Not everyone can just up and move to China where they will see and hear Chinese on a daily basis. Luckily, the Internet has made it possible and easy to learn a language from anywhere in the…

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Sightseeing in Datong Posted by on Apr 24, 2013

While Datong itself is an interesting city with a long history, the main reasons for traveling there lie outside of the city. Most tourists travel here to visit the Yungang Grottoes (云冈石窟 – yún gāng shí kū), one of the three major Buddhist sculptural sites in China. Way back in the day, the Northern Wei…

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2013 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival Posted by on Apr 21, 2013

Temperatures in Harbin tend to stay well below freezing in the winter months, which makes it the perfect site for an international ice and snow festival. Explore the frigid Ice and Snow World, with its intricate ice sculptures, massive neon lit ice castles, and a whole lot of silliness one can only find in China…

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