Dutch Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Dutch Word of the Month July: De Sproeischaamte Posted by on Jul 29, 2019

It is heet (hot). The grueling hitte (heat) of the zomer (summer) and the lack of regen (rain) is killing your tuin (garden). And all you can do to fight this heat is to sprinkle some water (water) to save at least something. Though in this hitte, using water for keeping your tuin together –…

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What Food The Dutch Take On Holiday Posted by on Jul 22, 2019

It’s vakantietijd (holiday time)! Time to get your Caravan (caravan, trailer), get your vakantiekaas (holiday cheese) and off you go to Southern France. But what do you take with you? Ik ga op reis en ik neem mee… You know about traffic games. In the Netherlands, we usually do them in files (traffic jams), and…

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Honking in the Netherlands? I Don’t Think So Posted by on Jul 10, 2019

Those of us who have lived in a big city know very well that one annoying sound – honking! The disproven theory is that if you honk, traffic will magically move! However, in the Netherlands, honking is rare. What are the reasons behind the lovely silence that envelopes everyone while driving? Verkeersregels There are two…

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Baarle – One of the strangest municipalities on Earth Posted by on Jul 8, 2019

If you dare to look closely at the map of Belgium, you find something weird: There is a little small bit in the north of the country that is surrounded by Dutch land, with no territory connecting it to Belgium! And it gets even more complicated… How did this exclave (or, enclave for the Netherlands)…

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Curious Words in Dutch 3: Bellen Posted by on Jul 1, 2019

There are many strange words in a language. Words that are just not used much, words that are pronounced in a weird way… Just words that have something curious about them! And those are the ones we look at in this series. Today, we look at bellen. Previous posts in this series: Curious Words In…

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Maarten van der Weijden Swam 3 Days Straight For Cancer Research Posted by on Jun 27, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019, 5:30 pm. Maarten van der Weijden jumps into water in Leeuwarden. With a steady borstcrawl (front crawl), he makes it in the evening to Sneek, the first stop of the eleven cities he is going to get to. Wait, eleven cities? What was this guy up to? Let’s find out. Swimming the…

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This Plan Is Fighting The Heat In The Netherlands Posted by on Jun 25, 2019

The past few days, The Netherlands have seen incredibly high temperatures, reaching almost 40°C (100°F)! Today, it was the hottest June 25 ever recorded in the country. Bridges were kept cool with water for the fear of their metal parts expanding and the bridges no longer opening. The Heat Is On This week is seeing…

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