Archive for 'Dutch Language'
The Jaaroverzicht – Here’s How the Dutch Look Back On 2021 Posted by Sten on Dec 31, 2021

2021 – Perhaps not the best year we had. But as every year, there are hoogte- en dieptepunten (ups and downs). And a jaaroverzicht (“year overview”, a end-of-year review) is a great way to reflect on the year to see this stuff. And the Dutch? Well, they enjoy doing that, too! Here are a few jaaroverzichten that…
The Dutch Word of the Year: Prikspijt! Posted by Sten on Dec 27, 2021

We’re nearing the end of the year, so it’s time to talk about the word of the year again! Every year, the woordenboek (dictionary) publisher Van Dale organizes the vote for the Woord van het Jaar, and everybody can vote on their favorite word from a list of candidates. This year’s: Prikspijt! (“jab regret”, regret over getting…
How Do You Make A Dutch Surprise for Sinterklaas? – Part 2 Posted by Sten on Nov 30, 2021

Sinterklaas is back in the country. Yesterday, it was time to get your arts and crafts skills out to make surprises. Now we need the more intellectual, brainy side of you – we have to write a gedicht (poem). This is part 2 for the ultimate surprise for pakjesavond (“gift evening”) on December 5! Let’s dive in!…
How Do You Make A Dutch Surprise for Sinterklaas? – Part 1 Posted by Sten on Nov 29, 2021

Sinterklaas is back in the country. Get your schaar (scissors), papier (paper) and lijm (glue), because it’s time to make surprises. Together with a great little gedicht (poem), you’re – I mean, Sinterklaas is – sure to make the most impressive gift! How does this process work? And how to create the ultimate surprise for pakjesavond (“gift evening”) on December 5? This is…
Dutch Idioms 26 – Why Do The Dutch Take Chestnuts From Fire? Posted by Sten on Nov 25, 2021

In this edition of Dutch Idioms, I want to take a look at the kastanje (chestnut). An item that isn’t used much in spreekwoorden (sayings) and uitdrukkingen (expressions), yet the one it has going for it is very widely known. With an interesting origin, this idiom deserves its own post. So let’s unravel it! For other idioms in this series…
A Dutch Essential: Leuk! But what does it mean? Posted by Sten on Nov 22, 2021

When you learn, you’ll come across this word sooner or later: leuk. Like gezellig, we use it for all kinds of things. But how do you translate leuk, and what are all its meanings? Let’s find out. Nice or fun? Leuk in its most straightforward form means nice or fun. And you can sometimes translate it like that as well…
Curious Dutch Words: Why is a boterham called a boterham? Posted by Sten on Oct 29, 2021

You wake up in the morning, take a shower, and then it’s time for breakfast. As a good Dutch person, you’ll have een kopje koffie (a cup of coffee) and, of course, een boterham (a slice of bread). But here’s the weird thing: de boterham means “the butter ham”. Yeah, really. But why? Previous posts in this series: Curious Words…