Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Dutch politics

Why Did the Dutch Government Suddenly Decide to Leave? Posted by on Jan 18, 2021


Last Friday, the Dutch regering decided that it was time to opstappen (resign). Minister-president (Prime Minister) Mark Rutte offered the ontslag (resignation) of his entire kabinet (cabinet) to the koning (king). The toeslagenaffaire was the big cause of the aftreding (resignation). What happened? And why now? And what does this mean for Nederland? The kindertoeslagenaffaire It’s a long word, but with a heavy load. The kindertoeslagenaffaire (child welfare fraud scandal)…

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3 Important Dutch Words On The Coronavirus Posted by on Oct 26, 2020

The coronavirus needs no introduction. If you really want one, we did write one before. But we haven’t really discussed the kinds of terms the Dutch use around the Coronavirus. Currently faced by one of the worst upturns in infections of Europe, the Dutch have come up with terms to deal with the dreadful situation. From Coronawaanzin to…

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A Decade with Premier Mark Rutte Posted by on Oct 14, 2020

This month marks the 10th anniversary of Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the head of the Dutch government. The 10 years have been marked by a world-wide financial crisis and its aftermath, the shooting of flight MH17 in Ukraine, the refugee crisis, Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. In this post, I want to point out…

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Binnenhof: Tweede Kamer Posted by on Aug 3, 2020

The Binnenhof (Inner Court) is the center of the Dutch overheid (government). Located in the heart of Den Haag (The Hague), it oozes Dutch geschiedenis (history) and verhalen (stories). In this series, we’ll go building by building and explore what each is all about. Today, we look at easily the biggest complex of the Binnenhof: the Tweede…

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Binnenhof: Eerste Kamer Posted by on Jul 21, 2020

The Binnenhof (Inner Court) is the center of the Dutch overheid (government). Located in the heart of Den Haag (The Hague), it oozes Dutch geschiedenis (history) and verhalen (stories). In this series, we’ll go building by building and explore what each is all about. Today, let’s check out the Eerste Kamer! For more posts in the Binnenhof series, click…

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Dutch President Rutte Is In Trouble Again Posted by on Jan 14, 2019

Like with the discussion about zwarte pieten (Black Petes), the Dutch have a discussion about the need and safety of vuurwerk (fireworks) at the end of every year. A problem that most people agree on, however, is that hulpverleners (aid workers) should be left in peace to do their work during the dangerous night that carries us into the new year…

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Who is Mark Rutte? Posted by on Jun 8, 2018

There has been a video going around about Mark Rutte, the Dutch Prime Minister, cleaning up after spilling some coffee while entering a building. After the video went viral, The Washington Post has named him a symbol of etiquette while other news sources have called the bluff on his publicity stunt. Regardless of the reasons…

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