Tag Archives: football
Euro 2020: How Brussels lost their spot to host the games Posted by Sten on Jun 22, 2021

With Euro 2020 being hosted all over Europe, many countries tried to find ways to get some games hosted in their country – including Belgium. The Eurostadion (Eurostadium) was supposed to be Belgium’s point of pride in the European Cup. But yeah, it was supposed to be… What happened, and how did it go from…
Honking in the Netherlands? I Don’t Think So Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 10, 2019

Those of us who have lived in a big city know very well that one annoying sound – honking! The disproven theory is that if you honk, traffic will magically move! However, in the Netherlands, honking is rare. What are the reasons behind the lovely silence that envelopes everyone while driving? Verkeersregels There are two…
What do Dutch athletes have in common? Peanut butter! Posted by Karoly Molina on Aug 1, 2018

Peanut butter or pindakaas is part of Dutch culture. You put it in your sandwich, you use it as a sauce for your chicken (thank you Indonesia!), and you invoke it in a very used expression: helaas pindakaas. But did you know this delicious peanut treat is also involved in sports? Calvé Pindakaas For over 100 years, Calvé…
Football In The Netherlands Posted by Sten on Jun 26, 2018

I don’t know if you missed it, but there is a huge sportevenement (sports event) happening right now: The Wereldkampioenschap Voetbal (The Football World Cup) in Rusland (Russia). And while the Dutch elftal did not qualify, all Dutch eyes are on this Wereldkampioenschap. Who will win it? Learn here some vocabulary and how the Dutch follow this World Cup! Voetbal in Nederland…
Amsterdam ArenA – Largest Venue With Roof in Europe! Posted by Sten on Oct 25, 2016
I visited the Amsterdam ArenA last week, and joined a guided tour. It is the stadium of the Dutch Eredivisie (“Honor Division”, the Dutch Football Premier League) club AFC Ajax. But it is more than that – much more. What? Read on… The largest stadion of the Netherlands The Amsterdam ArenA seats more than 53,000 people, making it the largest stadion (stadium) of…
Euro Cup 2016 and Belgium Posted by Karoly Molina on Jun 24, 2016
If you regularly follow soccer (or football), you know the Netherlands didn’t qualify for the Euro Cup 2016. It is a sad summer for Dutch soccer aficionados, but lucky for us, our southern neighbor is in the Euro Cup! While I thought the above video was hilarious, this post is not meant to bully the…
So what do we do next summer? Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 15, 2015
Het Nederlands Elftal had a very tumultuous and, in the end, disappointing journey in order to qualify for the European Cup 2016. After some embarassing defeats, the possibility of joining the next Euro Cup hung on the ability of the Netherlands to beat the Czech Republic AND Turkey loosing to Iceland. Neither of these was possible…