Tag Archives: Rotterdam
Local Language: The Dutch say WHAT in Rotterdam? Posted by Sten on Sep 28, 2021

The Netherlands is a small country. Everybody is tall, eats cheese and speaks Dutch. But don’t let the small country size fool you – there are quite some linguistic differences in the Netherlands that you are quite likely to encounter! In this series, we’ll take a look at typical dialects and words that you only…
150 Years of Fries in the Netherlands Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 1, 2019

This week marked 150 years of the delicious and crispy fries in the Netherlands. 150 years ago, a kermis or fair in Breda introduced the Dutch to fries and life was never the same! Patat of friet? There is an ongoing debate in the Netherlands as to what is the right name for fries. Boven de rivieren or the…
The Dutch Resistance in World War II – Part 2: Rotterdam Posted by Sten on May 4, 2019

In anticipation of the dodenherdenking and the celebration of the bevrijding of the Netherlands from the German occupation during World War II on May 4 and 5 and the fact that 2019 marks 80 years since the start of World War II in 1939, I am writing a series on how the Dutch got sucked into the war…
The Dutch and Classical Music: An Unexpected Relationship Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 17, 2018

I recently started a new job related to classical music. I am not a musician (not by a longshot), but part of my job is to read about klassieke muziek (classical music) innovation. In this short time, I have learned a few things about the classical music scene in the Netherlands that surprised me. In my radar…
De Trap was opened in Rotterdam Posted by Sten on May 16, 2016
Uitkijkpunt De Trap (Observation point The Stairs) was opened today. It is right next to the Centraal Station Rotterdam (Central Station Rotterdam). Burgemeester (mayor) Ahmed Aboutaleb opened the construction today for the public. It attracted a huge menigte (crowd), and within one and a half hours, already 2000 people had climbed De Trap! Why was it built? This year, it is exactly 75…
Stadsinitiatief Rotterdam Posted by heather on Mar 6, 2012
If you live in the city of Rotterdam, then you probably received an envelope through your postbox inviting you to vote in the Stadsinitiatieven (City Initiatives). The annual event invites people to put forward ideas for an initiative that will benefit the locals. The top ideas are than voted for through a city election and…
Maritime Museum Rotterdam Posted by heather on Jan 19, 2012
“Situated in the bustling heart of Rotterdam, the Maritime Museum Rotterdam is one of the world’s top maritime museums. It was founded in 1874 and is the oldest maritime museum in the Netherlands.” – Maritime Museum Rotterdam website The Maritime Museum is located in the city centre of Rotterdam, about half way between Central Station…